• Aug 29, 1500


    china is located in the east of asia china was variety of conditions of climate and landforms
    effects of civilisations
    china hs natural borders
  • india

    south asia
    rivers: indus gangry
    in the north have the himalaya
    have two diferents republic monarchy
    economy: farmers and some trade
    have two religions poloteist and buddish
  • israelites

    were nomad
    made slaves by babilonia and eqipt
  • egipt

    the goverment was central
    The first inhabitants of Egypt, reached the banks of the Nile
  • from canaan to egipt

    after in canaan they had a time of famine then they went to egipt
  • settlement in canaan

    they have farther north the king david (son on saul) establised the capital in jerusalen
  • fenicians

      They settled on the Syrian coast to Canaan, the ancient name of the territory of Israel and Palestine.
    goverment:excotebi king
    economi:salies and trades
    achivements alfhabet and coins
  • assyrians

    battering ram
  • mesopotamia

    Mesopotamia, agriculture and livestock were imposed between 6000 and 5000 before christ
    mesopotamia:comes from greeck words that meen "between the rivers "
    continent:south asia
    emviroment there is a desert
    rivers : the rivers are tigris and eufrates
  • goverment on sumer

    a city,state is a city that is also a separate indepent state
  • babilonian

    group of traders