Peninsula Campaign
George McClellan replaced Winfield Scott as chief of Union armies
McClellan was hesitant ,which would cost him in future battles
McClellan was removed as Union army chief and became leader of the Army of the Potomace
He moved his troops to Fort Monroe in Virginia to advance to Richmond
He hesitated to move towards Richmond which let Confederate general Johnson to build up his army
He was attacked on May 31, 1861
McClellan was forced to retreat, which resulted in a Confederate win -
Battle of Shiloh
On April 6th, 1862, multiple Confederate generals launched a surprise attack on Ulysses S. Grant in Tennessee.
After some success, the Confederates were overwhelmed and forced to retreat, causing the Union to win the battle.
There were over 23,000 casualties
This was an important battle for the Confederates because General Grant had already taken Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. -
Second Battle of Bull Run
• Lincoln decided to recall the Army of the Potomac to Washington to create the Army of Virginia.
• Confederate General Robert E. Lee sent half of his troops to the front of the Army of Virginia and half to its rear.
•At first Robert E. Lee scattered his troops in the woods so they would be harder to find for the Union.
• Union General John Pope sent his troops to attack at night thinking that they would bring their troops together to regroup
• The Confederates held of the Union and won -
• Key defensive point of the Mississippi River for Confederacy
• Union tried a numerous amount of times to capture Vicksburg, and all failed until 1863
• General Grant surrounded Vicksburg and starved the Confederate troops
• They surrendered the city on July 4, 1863 -
• Grant ordered 115,000 soldiers to cross the Rapidan River of May 4, 1864 to attack Confederate troops at a place known as the Wilderness
• After first day of battle, neither side had a distinct advantage
• In the second day, the Union pushed back Confederate forces a mile but lost the ground and many troops by the end of the day
• The battle ended with no clear winner
• The Union lost 17,500 soldiers and the Confederates lost over 10,000 soldiers -
• Ulysses S. Grant appointed Union General in Chief in February 1864
• Union Army was attacked at Spotsylvania: a crossroad to Richmond
• 18,000 Union casualties and 11,000 Confederate casualties
• It lasted 12 days
• The Confederates held off the Union and won the battle -
Petersburgh Campaign
Series of military operations from 1864-1865 that ended the Civil War
On June 9, 1864 the Union attacked Richmond and Petersburg, a major rail center of the South
The Union lost many more soldiers compared to the South but the South was weak due to malnutrition and exposure to diseases
Confederate General Robert E. Lee was forced to evacuate Petersburg and Richmond
He surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865
This Union victory was basically the end of the Confederacy -
Mobile Bay
Mobile bay
Battle fought in Mobile Bay, Alabama on August 5,1864
Most important Confederate port at the time
Invaded by Union Admiral David Farragut
Farragut defeated Confederate forces
He claimed Mobile Bay and Fort Morgan which was right next to Mobile Bay
Farragut won on August 23,1864 and sealed the Gulf coast from blockade running -
Sherman's March
• General Sherman captures Atlanta on September 2nd, 1864.
• This is important because Atlanta had a major railroad station and ammunition factories.
• After losing Atlanta, Confederate troops were chased into Tennessee and Alabama
• Instead of chasing Confederate troops, Sherman decided to ransack Georgia until the Confederacy surrendered.
• Sherman destroyed Savannah and Charleston before the Confederacy surrendered in April of 1865. -
Lincoln's Assassination
Abraham Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth in Ford’s Theatre on April 14, 1865
Booth planned to kidnap Lincoln and take him to Richmond on March 20, 1865
Lincoln did not show up where Booth thought he would , so he came up with a plan to kill him at Ford’s Theatre hoping to breakup the U.S. government
Lincoln was shot at 10:15pm inside his private box and died at 7:22am
Booth jumped onto the stage and shouted “Sic semper tyrannis” or “Thus ever to tyrants” in English