the battle of fort sumter
the casualties ranged from 580 to 600 and the generals where brig.gen.beauregard(confederate) gen.anderson(union) the side that won was the union this was battle in south carolina -
battle of bull run
the casualtys ranged from 4,878 to 5,000 the generals where brig.gen.irvin(confederate) stonewall jackson(union) this was fought in virginia the confderate won this battle -
battle of antietam
the casualties ranged from 3,620 to 4,000 the genrerals where general lee(confederate) george b. mcclellan(union) the union wan this battle and it was in maryland -
battle of vicks burg
the deats in this battle where 7,800 the generals where ulysses s.grant(union) john pamperton(confederate) this was fought in mississippi -
battle of gettysburd
the casualtys where 37,835 the generals where general Lee(confederate) general meades(union) the union won this war fought on pennsylvania gen. Lee made a train ver 14 miles long -
battle at atlanta
the casualtys where 12,140 the generals where gen.Lee(canfederate) gen.sherman(union) was fought in gorgia the union won -
battle of appomattox
the deaths are 700 the generales where general.Lee(confederate) Gen.John Gordons(union)