Images (11)


  • China

    Located in east of Asia
    They separated of the rest of the world;but this reason they didn´t know about egypt, greece and other civilizations
    They have the yellow river in chinese is huang river
    Have two (2) dynasty the shang and the zhou
    the family is the most important in the society

    Locate in south Asia and have two rivers Indus and Ganges
    Around in the north Himalayas in the south Indian ocean
    Have two (2) systems of politic : republic and monarchy
    The main activity economy was farming and trade
    Religion was pantheism or politeist
    They practice the buddhaism

    Located in the north east of africa
    Have the longer river of the world that is the NILE RIVER
    Main activities was the farming end trade
    Achievements was the mathematics and medicine
    The NILE RIVER gave a fertil area
  • israelites

    They belief in abraham that is the founderreate a large
    They didn´t create a large empire
    This has a great influence in our civilizations
    In CANNAN they had a time of famine
    They was slaves by the king moses
  • phoenician

    Their main cities was tiron and sidron
    The colonies was the north africa and spain
    This civilization located near to the mediterranean sea
    The economic activities was the farming and trade
    They developed the phoenician alphabet that use 22 symbols that each represent one sound
  • mesopotamia

    Have two rivers tigris and euprates
    They had cities states
    They had own army own government in each city state
    The economic activity was the farming
    And invent the writing.