Aug 27, 1350
La antigua tierra de Canaán, situada al suroeste del llamado Creciente Fértil, fue desde la antigüedad, tierra de tránsito y punto intermedio entre las florecientes civilizaciones del río Tigris y el Éufrates, por un lado, y el valle del Nilo por el otro. La región estuvo dividida en pequeñas ciudades-estado o reinos locales independientes, como Moab, Edom, Judá, Israel, Aram o Fenicia, que hubieron de hacer frente a las sucesivas invasiones tanto de imperios limítrofes (Egipto, Asiria o Babilon -
Aug 16, 1550
Phoenician cities were on the coastline of the Mediterranean. It was an enterprising maritime trading culture that spread across the Mediterranean from 1550 BC to 300 BC. The Phoenicians used the galley, a man-powered sailing vessel, and are credited with the invention of the bireme.[3] They were famed in Classical Greece and Rome as 'traders in purple', referring to their monopoly on the precious purple dye of the Murex snail, used, among other things, for royal clothing, and for their -
are located in east asia, has varieti of conditions or contrasting, have indian river -
are located in south asia, are rounded in the imalayas and in the south have the indus river next a years a new civilization comes named arias this have sagrated tex named"vedas" and ha ve a social organisation named castes. -
Egypt was a civilization that arose when grouped settlements on the banks of the middle and lower channel of the Nile had three periods of splendor in the periods referred to by historians: Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom. -
are ubicated between the river eufrates and tigris
this civilization are caracterised of farming