Civil war timeline

civil war timeline yo

  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    • passed in 1820 to vlear up which states were free/slave -made the states above the 36,30 latitude free and under that line slave. -added maine as a free stated in order for missouri to be a slave state
  • nullification crisis

    nullification crisis
    -Southern states thought that tariffs were unfair to the south.
    -john c. calhoun said that any state could nullify.
    -henry clay came up with a compromise to lower tariffs.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    -henry clay helped come up with another compromise.
    -california would be in the u.s as a free state.
    -congress did not pass slvery banning laws to the territorys won from mexico.
    -this compromise saved the union.
  • fugitive slave act of 1850

    fugitive slave act of 1850
    -this act helped the southern slave owners find their runaway slaves.
    -helped the north see the need for the end of slavery.
    -this act helped start the john browns raid and the civil war.
  • election of 1860

    election of 1860
    -abraham lincoln wins the elction to become president.
    -southern states started to secede from the u.s.
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    -5000 proslavery people from missouri came and voted for pro slavery congressmen for kansas.
    -anti slavery started their own government.
    -anti-slavery gov. was attacked by proslavery citizens.
  • dred scott decision

    dred scott decision
    -this decision was made about slaves and how whether free or slave they are not u.s citizens.
    -court declared that the missouri compromise was unconstitutional.
    -slavery was permitted in all of the countrys new territorys.
  • attack on harpers ferry

    attack on harpers ferry
    -john brown wanted to capture arsenal.
    -brown wanted slaves to fight along with him but none of them did so.
    -brown and his men were captured/murdered.