Civil War Timeline Project

  • Sectionalism

    An exaggerated loyalty to a particular region or country.
  • Missouri Compromise

    This was a settlement between the north and the south. During 1820 and 1821 there was several laws passed.
    Secession - to withdraw from something
  • 1850 Compromise

    The fugitive slave act was not popular in the north in fact some northerners would hide slave in there houses so the could escape from slavery and live a better life.But the north loved the idea of this they were excited for the compromise.
    Fugitive - when a person escapes.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    The Kansas Nebraska Act was proposed by Stephen A. Douglas he also formed the compromise of 1850. He proposed that organizing the region west of Missouri and Iowa as territories of Kansas and Nebraska.
    Popular sovereignty - Allowing the people to decide
  • “Bleeding Kansas”-Sacking of Lawrence

    The bleeding Kansas was unavoidable. on May 1856, 800 slavery supporters attacked Lawrence. They burned buildings.
    Border Ruffians - People how would threaten people to vote for what they wanted.
  • Dred Scott decision

    The court told Dred Scott he could not be free because he was property.
  • Lincoln Douglas debates

    They would always meet and talk about the slavery problems. and Lincoln wanted him to make it legal to exclude slavery.
  • John Brown raid on Harper's ferry

    John brown wanted to give weapons to the slaves so they could be free. This didn't work as planed though and soon after he was hanged.
    Martyr - a person who dies for a great cause
  • Election of Lincoln

    Lincolns platform was that slavery should be banned.
    States rights - the power of government
  • Lincoln Inaugural Address

    Lincoln spoke to the seceding states directly, mixing toughness with words of peace. He said that secession would not be permitted, that "the Union of these states are perpetual".
    secede - to leave
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    The fort was attacked and many where wounded because they ran out of supplies.