Confederates fire on Sumter
General Beauregard was in command of confederate forces who opened fire on the union at Fort Sumter. On April 13th, Major Robert Anderson surrendered the fort being evacuated the next day. -
Lincoln Inagurated
Abraham Lincoln became president this day with the people's votes. -
It was the first major land battle of the armies in Virginia. Also known as the Bull Run it only lasted one day. By JUly 22nd the union army reached the safety of Washington. -
Robert E. Lee assumes command of VA forces
Robert E. Lee took control of what was later called the army of Northern Virginia in a battle to defend the city of Richmond from Union forces. -
Harpers Ferry
Robert E. Lee advanced into Maryland hoping to capture the vital Union garrison and arsenal at Harpers Ferry. The confederates won. -
The army of Potomac who was under the control of George McClellan, mounted a series of many assults against Robert E. Lee forces in Maryland. Nobody won battle. -
On this day Union engineers laid five potoon bridges across the Rapphannock under fire. -
Stones River
William Rosecrans fought a huge battle with Braxton Bragg's army of Tennessee on the outskirts of Murfreesbro. -
13th Admendment
Ademendemnt was ratified stating that it would end the instituation of slavery. -
Five Forks
Grabt ordered Major General Phil Sheridan and his army to advance the railroad system to clear up conguntion known as Five Forks. -
General Lee surrendered his remaining troops to General Grant at the McLean House -
Ford Theatre
Abraham Lincoln was shot in this theatre by John Wilks Booth who dies a few days later.