Declaration of Independence
The Declaration was created to make every male equal, because at the time it was written women were not considered, nor were slaves. "All men are created equal" does not apply to men who are slaves, or men of color, this also does not include women. This was a key event causing the Civil war due to the fact that it did not include anything about slavery, it did not outlaw it either. Slaves were not considered in the entire making of it. Only white males. -
Gradual Emancipation in Connecticut and Rhode Island
The Gradual Emancipation outlawed new slaves being brought into the state. Children of existing slaves will be freed when reaching the age of 28. Slaves born before this are to serve for life. July 4, 1780 is when a person has to be born or after to be freed at age 28 under this. This impacted the Civil war, because it was a reason to fight. Children of color should not have to work from the time they are born until they are 28, when white children are not working -
Northwest Ordinance
The Northwest Ordinance prohibited slavery in the territories North of the Ohio River and East of the Mississippi River. This impacted the Civil War, because the territories North even though were primarily free states, had to deal with the states South that were primarily slave states, and did not promote the idea of banning slavery. With the Mississippi River being a main river in the United States, this forced the North and the South to interact more with the issues that slavery was causing. -
Three-Fifths Compromise
The Constitutional Convention settled the three-fifths compromise, a state's slave population in Congressional representation. Congress is forbidden from ending the slave trade until 1808. Fugitive slaves who cross state lines must be returned to their owners. This is important because it is dehumanizing slaves more, while counting them as three-fifths of a person for Congressional representation. So, while considering a slave a citizen, it is also allowing them to not count entirely. -
Slave Trade Forbidden
New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania forbid people in their states from taking part in the slave trade. This shows a sign that a Civil war could be forming, because people are beginning to realize there is something wrong with forcing people to leave their country, work till they cannot stand, work until their last breath, and beat and punish relentlessly for what reason? - Their skin was the "wrong" color. -
Fugitive Slave Law
The Fugitive Slave Law denies a trial to an alleged fugitive slave, retracting all constitutional rights to people. This breaking the laws of the constitution. This denies people their rights as human beings. Just because it was specified that the people free are men, there was no color of skin specified in the, "All men are equal" portion. Therefore slaves were being denied their constitutional rights. -
Hartford Convention
The Hartford Convention consisted of amendments being added to the Constitution. This made required Congress to have a two-thirds vote for the admission of new states, and the elimination of the three-fifths clause. This was making it somewhat easier for the slaves to reach freedom considering the people north primarily wanted slavery to be abolished. -
The Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise set that there shall be no restriction on slavery in the state of Missouri. This is key with how the states are during the Civil war and how it is being fought. -
Republic of Liberia Established
The Republic of Liberia was where abolitionists transported blacks from West Africa. It was set as a free place for slaves. This is key for the Civil war, because now people are realizing more and more that slavery is not a good idea and that there needs to be more freedom. -
Demarks Conviction
Thirty-six people are hanged in Charleston. Because Denmark Vesey was convicted of plotting a slave rebellion. This goes to show how the conviction without jury for a slave went, and could cause a giant problem. Slaves were people whether some people wanted to see it that way or not, and the way they were treated during this trial is a reason people fought in the Civil war. -
New York Abolishes slavery
The abolishment of slavery leads to show that people were grasping the concept of slavery not being necessary. That this was a form of torture and that having these people do all the hard work just because the color of their skin differs is not right. The Civil war is built off of this. -
Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World is published
The Appeal to the Color Citizens of the World was written by a black abolitionist who wanted to end white supremacy. This impacted the Civil war because it was one of the main ideas as to why people where fighting. For the equal rights of everyone, not just for one race to overpower every other race. -
Liberator is Published
William Lloyd Garrison wrote this and he was an abolitionist who wanted to end slavery. He wrote this newspaper to cover what was happening. This goes to show that there is documented proof of the impact slavery had on people. This goes to show why people fought in the Civil war, it wasn't for something that didn't happen, or for something that didn't matter - it was for something that happened and it was for something that mattered. -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
This was the bloodiest slave rebellion. 70 white people were killed, and for the hunt on Nat Turner 100 black people were killed. This goes to show how bloody this Civil war was going to have to be in order to make a difference, lives were going to have to be sacrificed to make a difference, and to show that there was a real problem happening here. -
Compromise Tariff of 1832
This lowers the 1832 tariff. Where states have the right to nullify federal legislation if it runs counter to their interests. This leads to the Civil war because states are given the power to do what they please if there is something they did not like. This gives states power, and takes away from the idea of one person being in charge to make decisions to better the entire country. Allowing smaller people than the president to determine if someone is free or not. -
Ordinance of Nullification
This stated that the 1832 and 1833 tariffs were to be declared unconstitutional and could no longer be in affect, because they compromised and effected the rights of people. This leads to the Civil war because there are plenty of laws restricted people from their constitutional rights, and it goes to show that it is time for some more of them to be declared unconstitutional. -
British abolish slavery in West Indies
The Slavery Abolition Act made this possible, and it outlawed slavery to its entirety. This means that people who were here controlling us before have even discovered the horrific meaning of slavery, and the abuse it is of a person. To tell someone they are three-fifths of a person was not okay to begin with, but now it goes into full frontal effect when the British agree and abolish it. This strikes the Civil war because enemies of America have figured something out before the entire nation has -
American Anti-Slavery Society Founded
This was an abolitionist society that consisted of William Lloyd Garrison, Arthur Tappan, and a key speaker named Frederick Douglas. This shows that people who were considered slaves are actually smart, and can do things for themselves. There does not need to be someone telling them what to do for them to be able to do it. This strikes the Civil war because now slaves are given an okay to fight for their freedom. -
Underground Railroad organized
The underground Railroad was created by Harriet Tubman, she freed over 300 people and never lost a single person on any of her trips. This showed that slaves were finding ways to their freedom, and one lady was doing it. It took one woman, and not even just a woman, an African American woman. Not only was she seen as a slave to people at that time, she was also seen as nothing, like she had no part in society but to clean, and look presentable. She was remarkable. -
Antislavery Liberty Party Begins
The Antislavery Liberty Party broke up the Antislavery society because of problems with Garrison. Thus making it out to be that not one man can rule by himself, and this leads to the Civil war because different people and different parties are coming together to try and get rid of slavery. -
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Published
Frederick Douglass' story covers the basis of his life as a slave, and then his life in freedom. There is a distinct theme throughout the book, and it is achieving freedom. This man considered a slave is educated, and can write. He is remarkable. This sparks controversy for the Civil war because it begins to show people that slaves can learn the same way their white masters can. -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was the discussion of abolishing slavery in all the new states to be formed. This leads to The Compromise of 1850. This is key for the Civil war, because people down South do not like the idea that if they are to move to one of the new states to be formed there will be no slavery there. Thus leaving them to do all the work. -
Mexican War Ended
This war increased the United States by 1/3. The soldiers were practically trained for the Civil war right then and there. Thus allowing it to lead to the Civil war with the advancement of soldier training for combat. -
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman is a woman who although is not an event, is a person to be recognized as a major factor leading up to the Civil war. Her work with the underground railroad and freeing over 300 slaves allows her to be iconic. She led people to freedom, and managed to not get herself caught and everyone else with her. This leads to the Civil war, because people did not like the idea of slaves just vanishing from where they were supposed to be at. -
The Compromise of 1850
California is now a free state. Mexico and Utah are allowed to vote as to if they are to become free states. This leads to the Civil war with the states being given the power to determine if a person of a different color is free or not. The main part being the people deciding are rich white men. -
Uncle tom's Cabin
This was an anti-slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She was not a slave, but she was an abolitionist, which went to show slaves that there were people fighting for their rights on the outside one step at a time. This leads to the Civil war, because it depicts slavery for what it really is. There was no holding back, and it gave people an outlook as to how terrible it really was and not just to be thought of. -
Republican Party Organized
The Republican party surpassed the Whig party, and became Democrat's opposition. This leads to the the Civil war, because another party has been added into politics, and it will have to be figured out thoroughly by citizens. -
Period: to
Bleeding Kansas
A series of violent political confrontations with proslavery and antislavery supporters. This sparked the Civil War, because it was the Civil war already happening, just in smaller fights, and less numbers of people. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
This repeals the Missouri Compromise, and allows states to determine if slavery is allowed. This adds to the Civil war, because it allows states to decide if they are going to take a step forward and abolish slavery, or if they are going to remain at a constant time of the present and also a past time of history, and keep slavery. -
King Cotton
David Christy publishes King Cotton publishes a proslavery volume. This leads to the Civil war, because it shows how some people still think that slavery is a good idea, and that there are benefits to having it, while the majority believes it is wrong. -
Garner Case
The Garner case was an escaped slave named Margaret, who attempted to kill her two sons, and killed her daughter. She only injured her two sons. But the reason Margaret tried to kill them was to keep them from being enslaved. Instead of undergoing a trial she was enslaved again under the Fugitive Slave Law. This leads to the Civil war, because it shows the extents someone was going through to keep their children from having to experience it. The severity of the purpose, the freedom desired. -
The Crime Against Kansas
Senator Charles Sumner gives a speech on antislavery and verbally attacks Senator Andrew Pickens Butler. This shows that even people in politics were tired of dealing with slavery. There were white men with power who were outraged with slavery. This sparks the Civil war, because it shows evolution in the thought process of man. Finally there was some common sense coming to these people with power that was was said to be right wasn't so right after all. -
Sumner vs. Brooks
Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner with a cane. This is because of their differences on the idea of slavery. This sparks the Civil war, because it shows people that there are two sides to this battle. There is one supporting slavery, and one not. No one gets to stay in the middle of it, and no one gets to decide who is actually free and who is not. -
Pierce Wins Big
Franklin Pierce wins by a landslide. This allows for people realize that there must be something wrong with the way things are happening, but at the same time things are going to be getting better. This impacts the Civil war, because it is a change of leader, it is someone who can make or break its happening. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott went up against the courts, because he was temporarily in a free state, and thought he could file for ultimate freedom, but the court system ruled against him. This strikes the Civil war, because there is nothing here but a man wanting to be free, a man wanting to pursue his constitutional right. -
Lecompton Constitution Rejected
This permitted slavery, outlawed African American people from living in Kansas, excluding already free slaves, and only United States male citizens could vote. This was rejected, and was written by men who were proslavery. This leads to the Civil war, because people are not allowing laws to be made that ban people of color to live in an area. There is becoming some understanding of where slavery stands. -
John Brown raids Harpers Ferry, Virgina
John Brown plans a massive attack that winds up back firing, and he winds up being captured with six men that he is with. During his plan ten of his men alone are killed instantly, and he had over twenty men with him. This sparks the Civil war, because it is a fight for freedom, and it is not only just coming from slaves now. It is coming from white men who genuinely do not want slavery to exist. -
John Brown executed
John Brown is hanged along with the six men that were captured alongside him. His insurrection created chaos in the South, because people thought slaves would have uprisings now. This sparks the Civil war, because it shows that people are willing to die for something they believe in, and if it is worth dying for then perhaps some part of them is truly right about it, being a good thing to do. -
South Secedes from the Union
The South secedes from the Union, because of the different outlooks on slavery. This plays a big part in leading up to the Civil war, because it shows the actual division between the two sides, and it now becomes clear that there is antislavery and proslavery. North and South. -
Lincoln is the 16th President
Abraham Lincoln in elected the 16th President of the United States of America, and is antislavery. Lincoln gave many speeches, and did many things to try and end slavery. This strikes the Civil war up, because now there is a leader who is going to take action to resolve the issue, to put an end to slavery. -
Georgia legislature votes $1,000,000 to arm state
Georgia votes money to arm their state so that harm cannot come to them. This way slavery can stay, and not have to leave. This is an issue with the Civil war, because states think they can just pay things off and make it happen, and that it is the right thing to do, but it isn't. -
South Carolina Secedes from the Union
South Carolina seceding from the Union wasn't hard to guess considering with was a Southern state. This effects the Civil War, because instead of being antislavery to try and abolish it, they are proslavery and want it to keep going. -
Union Major Robert Anderson evacuates Ft. Moultrie to Ft. Sumter
Major Robert Anderson evacuates to try and find troops and spots to stay. But it was supposed to be a strategic play as to why they were there. This leads up to the Civil war, because there is strategic planning happening, and there are ways as to what is going to happen in an actual war going on. -
Southern States formed the Confederation
The Confederation was formed to bind together the slave states, because The Union had officially begun to form the antislavery states. This leads to the Civil war, because it becomes the official two sides that begin to fight each other during the war. The two that determine which side wins, and is slavery must go for certain or if it should stay. -
Jefferson Davis Inaugurated - President of Confederacy
Jefferson Davis was elected the President of the Confederacy, because they believed themselves to be an entirely different place than with the Union sharing the United States of America. This contributes to the Civil War, because it shows how serious both sides are taking the matter, and how it is not going to be something that can just be passed up in history. This event is big. This change is big. This determines the future. -
Confederate Consitution Signed
The Articles of Confederation was the first Declaration of Independence. This allows people to not have as much control, but to still have some. This leads to the Civil war in terms of not allowing people to do what they wish without having to put up a fight for it first. -
Battle of Fort Sumter
This was the first official battle of the Civil War. -
Firing on Fort Sumter
Abraham Lincoln received word that Fort Sumter was low on supplies, and sent ways for it to be restocked. Jefferson attacked, and thus began the Civil war. -
Civil War Begins
All those events listed in the timeline happened, and impacted the beginning of this happening now. So thus begins the Civil war. -
Lincoln asserts power to stop slavery
Abraham Lincoln gave a speech in New York that said the government has the power to halt the spread of slavery. This leads to the Civil war, because if the government could be doing the right thing and stopping slavery from happening right now, then why weren't they doing it when they found out that they had the power to do so.