Civil Rights Timeline

  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    This event was the US Supreme court case for the racial segregation in schools. The Jim Crow Laws had been brought back for this case. Jim Crow Laws were laws that had forced racial segregation in the south.
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks had refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. Rosa Parks had been arrested that day for refusing to give up her seat and going against the presidents ruling for segregation. Montgomery Bus Boycott had started after Rosa was arrested and Martin Luther King JR. had been the leader of the Boycott. During this Boycott there was so many protestors. The Boycott went on for a year. In December of 1956, the boycott ended. Rosa was known as the mother of civil rights movement.
  • Ruby Bridges & New Orleans School Integration

    Ruby Bridges & New Orleans School Integration
    Ruby is a six year old girl who had started to attend an all white school. Ruby had been escorted in to school by four armed federal marshals. When they are walking into school there had been many people with protest signs protesting against her going to an all white school. Every day she was escorted in and out of school.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    A group of seven African Americans and six whites had boarded two busses for New Orleans. Through out the bus rides they had to use the different bathrooms because of their race. In South Carolina on May 14, the bus was getting a tire fixed and the bus had been firebombed. The riders had been replaced by another group. Other rides were arrested or beaten. On May 29, President Kennedy had ordered the interstate commerce commission to ban segregation.
  • Birmingham Demonstrations

    Martin Luther King JR. had created a campaign to make racial segregation weaker. This campaign had started on April 3, 1693. The campaign had started lots of protests and marches on City Hall. On April 12th Martin Luther King JR. was arrested for violating the anti- protest orders. A month later, Martin had created the Children's Crusade and that had caused many teen volunteers had been skipping school and started marches. A lot of these teens were arrested. This campaign lasted about 6 months.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Martin Luther King JR. had a political demonstration that was in Washington D.C.. In 1963, many of the civil rights leaders had had been protesting racial segregation and showing their views of the civil rights legislation. On August 28,1963 over 250,000 people had gathered by the Lincoln Memorial. These people were there for MLK speech about equality and freedom. MLK speech was later known as I Have a Dream speech.
    Title: I Have A Dream sample.ogg.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    President Lyndon B. Johnson had signed this act into a law. This act was for the U.S. Legislation to end discrimination based on race, color, or religion. The federal government had prevented racial discrimination in employment, voting, and the use of public bathrooms, drinking fountains, busses, and many other things that were involved in segregation. Legislation had been a victory for the civil rights movement.
    This graph shows how MLKJR affected the community.
  • Selma-Montgomery March

    Martin Luther King JR. had organized a march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery. This march was for the federal voting rights law and how it would provide support for the African Americans. On March 9, King had tried sending troops but they were stopped by state troopers. On March 21, King had led another troop, the troop had been protected by FBI agents. The marchers got to Montgomery on March 25. King had addressed "How long, Not long." After this happened the voting rights act was signed.
  • Detroit Riot

    Many violent confrontations between the African Americans and the city police in Detroit. An attack had occurred at an illegal drinking club and police had arrested everyone. A lot of residents were protesting, many started vandalizing property, or starting fires. During this time there were 43 deaths, 7,000 arrests, and 1,000 burned buildings. Johnson had created a National Advisory Commission which concluded the causes of the violence which were racism, discrimination, and poverty.
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King JR.

    Assassination of Martin Luther King JR.
    On April 4, 1968 Martin Luther was assassinated. Martin had been shot right outside of his hotel room in Memphis, Tennessee. Martin had been rushed to St. Josephs Hospital right after he was shot. King had died 1 hour after he was shot. Martin Luther King JR. was only 39 years old. Over 300,000 people had attended his funeral on April 9th. Every 3rd Monday of January is Martin Luther King JR. day. This day is for everyone to remember what he did for our country and how important he was.
  • Equal Opportunity Act

    Enforcing federal laws that are prohibiting discrimination in workplaces. This act had showed an explanation of civil rights. All three congresses were trying to figure out the answer of does the constitution prohibition of denying equal rights. There were so many federal statues prohibiting job discrimination.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    This act prohibits discrimination in anything that is owned by federal agencies or financial assistance. First civil rights legislation in the United States. A main point for this act is because many people facing discrimination have negative attitudes toward being an employee. If these people become employees, they would probably say racial comments to others. This act provides things for people to learn why they should not say racial things to others.
  • San Antonio Vs. Rodriguez

    A case in the Supreme Court of the United States. The case was about San Antonio's Independent School's District financial system having property taxes. The court was proving that education is a fundamental right for everyone and no one should have to pay the property taxes.
  • Age Discrimination Act

    This act is a labor law that prohibits discrimination based on age and federal finance. This act protects some employees and applicants who are 40+ years old. The act protects these people from being hired, having promotions, or anything else related to being employed. This act is enforced by the civil rights center.
  • All Handicapped Children Act

    This helped the education costs for children attending schools. This act required to have equal costs from schools for both races. That would make it so everyone is paying equally and not paying differently just because of their race.
  • Bakke Vs. Regents

    This event caused a major decision in the Supreme Court by the United States. This ruling was based off of the admissions for universities because it was racial. This ruling was going against the constitution. After this court session happened, the ruling was changed so any race could apply to any university without not getting excepted because of their race.
  • Daisy Bates

    Daisy Bates was in the Little Rock Nine and had wrote a book about an experience she had. Daisy is an official in the NAACP. In September she had led 9 children into school with marshals. This troop was led by Eisenhower. For the first time in eight years children being escorted were led by Eisenhower. Daisy and the marshals were protecting the children from the constitutional rights of African Americans.
  • Civil Rights Act Signing

    The civil rights act of 1991 had been ruled in the United States Supreme Court. This act was to limit the rights of the employees who had been sued from employers for their discrimination.
  • The Ernest Green Story

    The Ernest Green Story was a movie about the Little Rock Nine. This movie was aired on Disney Channel on January 17, 1993. This movie is a true story about the journey of the Little Rock Nine.
  • Ruby Bridges Foundation

    Ruby Bridges created this Foundation to help end the fight of racism. The foundation was founded in New Orleans. The foundation was to express respect and equality with all races.