civil war timeline

  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    she was a political activist, who was a slave. she had escaped and had made a total of thirteen mitions to help rescue other slaves. she had helped about sevendy enslaved people. she was able to do it throgh the help of underground rail rodes.
  • the fugitive slave act

    the fugitive slave act
    were the U.S could arrest anyone that was a slave anyway. they did this because it was a part of the compromise and required for the slaves to come back. wich latter was known as the act.
  • uncle toms cabin published

    uncle toms cabin published
    Harriet Beecher wrote and published a book about enslaved people. it was to fight against slavery. because of this, it had changed the way people view slaves.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    It was in Nebraska were Stephen A. Douglas made a bill that got amended. in wich allowed settelers in the territory to chose if they would be a slave ot to be allowed with in the stat borders.
  • John Brown attacks Harper ferry.

    John Brown attacks Harper ferry.
    he was known for leading a group of peopl on a raid aginst the federal armed slae revolt. it was to destroy the instaution of slavery. it lead to exucution. but six years latter slaves were afishally set free.
  • Dread Scott Decision

    Dread Scott Decision
    He was a slave that tryed to sue for freedon, throgh out the prosses of the supream court. he did this because him and his owner had moved to a free stat. but they were two main reasons why they denied his case. the first was because he wasnt calafied as a citizen. and secondly was scince he was a slave in a free stat that donst mead you are free.
  • Abraham Lincoln debates Stephen Douglas

    Abraham Lincoln debates Stephen Douglas
    The debate was a total of seven debates between Lincoln and the Repubican party. Lincon was elected by the republicns, so he could run for sceate aginst Douglas. the southerners had thoght that lincon was an abotionist. but during the event Dougloas haf defend the soveteighty. but in the end of all that doglas had won the election.
  • Abraham Lincoln election.

    Abraham Lincoln election.
    Abraham Lincoln was the first president to start a republican party. lincoln disprized of the slavery that was going on in the U.S. the election lead towards the civil war.
  • south Carolina secedes

    south Carolina secedes
    the legislative called for an important meeting because they thought that they could only have the power to create their own they seceded from the union wich lead to the nations closer towards war.
  • the confederation of the united stares/ confederacy is formed

    the confederation of the united stares/ confederacy is formed
    the southorn part of the U.S, tryed to form thire own contry. However the Northern part of the U.S dint agree to the south to leaving the U.S. wich this had lead to the civil war. some of the southern states achally seceded from the U.S. but when Abraham Lincoln becam president he wanted to reunite the north and south states.