Civil War Timeline

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    Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad which was known to many back then, was a system of trust and dedication between free property owners and slaves. The Underground Railroad was people offering shelter and aid to escaped slaves. The dates of this are still unknown. The Quaker Abolitionists are considered to be the first group to help escaped slaves. This group of people helped one of George Washington's slaves and Washington soon complained about this.
    This increased tension between the north and south.
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    Events leading up to the Civil War

  • Nat Turner's Slave Revolt

    Nat Turner's Slave Revolt
    Nat Turner's slave revolt took place in Southampton County, Virginia. This revolt was one of the largest slave revolts in America today. Turner's revolt was caused by discontent between the slaves and their treatment in the south. Turner rounded up a few other slaves and on a solar eclipse night, they killed the Travis family. This event increased the tension between the North and South.
  • Fugitive Slave Laws

    Fugitive Slave Laws
    The Fugitive Slave Laws were a pair of federal laws that allowed the capture and return of any runaway slaves in the United States. The first Fugitive Slave Act allowed local governments to capture and return escaped slaves to their owners and imposed threats or penalties to anyone who aided in the slaves escape.The Fugitive Slave Acts were among the most controversial laws of the early 19th century.
    These laws would increase the tension betwwen the north and south.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This novel’s plot starts with the Shelby family. The Shelby Family is being pressured to sell two of their slaves due to economic troubles; Uncle Tom and Harry. Mr. Mrs. Shelby both do not want to sell their slaves for their own reasons. The slaves are eventually sold. Then this novel follows them and their new journey.
    This novel shows to people who weren't slaves how cruel and negligent slavery really was. This event increased the tension between the north and the south.
  • Dredd Scott Supreme Court Decision

    Dredd Scott Supreme Court Decision
    The United States Supreme Court made a decision in the Dred Scott case, declaring the right of slave owners to take their slaves into the Western territories. The court held that Scott was not free because of his stay in Illinois or Wisconsin because he was not a person under the U.S. Constitution. The justices made this decision by how Scott was not a free black male and so he should not be granted freedom in Western territory.

    This would increase the tension between the north and the south.
  • John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry
    John Brown leads a small group on a raid against a federal armory in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. In an attempt to start an armed revolt and to try to end slavery. Word got out that Brown was leading a revolt. A company of U.S. Marines arrived on October 17. The morning of October 19, the soldiers overran Brown and his followers. Ten of brown's men were killed, including two of his sons. Brown was sent to court and was found guilty.
    This act would increase the tension between the north and south.