Fort Sumter
- Charlestown Harbor, South Carlonia
- Confererate won Union: General: Robert Anderson Troops: 80 Disadvantages: less troops, ran out of ammunition Conferderate: General: P.G.T. Beauregard Troops: 500 Advantages: more troops -Beauregard shot first and attacked the fort
- started the Civil War -last April 12-14
Bull Run
- Fairfax County and Prince William County, Virginia
- Conferderate Won
- Lincoln push Union to fight -Union Generals: Irvin Mcnowell Troops: 28,450 Disadvantages: less troops -Conferderate Generals: Joseph E. Johston, P.G.T. Beauregard Troops: 32,230 Advantages: more troops
Monitor vs Merrimack/Hampton Roads
-Hampton roads, Virginia, lasted 2 days
-Inconclusive Victory
- It was the first battle between steam powered Ironclad warships.
General: John L. Worden
Troops: 1,400
Advantages: smaller warship, more troops
• used smaller warship to defeat CSS Virginia
General: Franklin Buchanan
Troops: 188
Advantages: Iron ship
Disadvantages: not much ammunition
•rammed into Unions ships -
It lasted 2 days. The battle took place in Madison County, Kentucky. The Unions general was William Nelson and the Confederates was E. Kirby Smith. The Conferderates won. the Union marches to Rogersville. Confederates attack Union right and they give out. The Conferderates captured 4,000 Union soldiers. -
-Sharpsburg, Maryland
- lasted Sept. 16-18
-Inconclusive Victory -Union:
General: Geroge B. McClellan
Troops: 87,000
Advantages: more troops
Disadvantages: it was hard to attack Confederates
Strageties: attacked and counter attacked
General: Robert E. Lee
Troops: 45,000
Disadvantages: less troops
Strageties- defensive -
It took place on the streets of Fredericksburg. The Union had 100,007 troops and Confederate had 72,497 troops. The Unions general was Ambrose Burnside and the Confederate general was Robert E. Lee. The Confederate army won the battle. The Unions advantages at the beginning of the battle were had more soldiers. The Union disadvantages were suffered heavy loss. The Conferderate disadvantages were had less soldiers. •Union used left division to crush Lee's southern flank. The battle lasted 5 days. -
It lasted until July 4.It took place in Vicksburg, Mississippi.The Union generals was Ulysses S.Grant and the Confederates was John C. Pemberton.The Union won Mississippi and the Conferderates fate was sealed.The Union advantages were they had 77,000 soldiers and Pemberton forces were weak.The Conferderates advantages was the terrain was hard for the Union soldiers.The disadvantages of the Union was terrain was bad and for the Conferderate was they had 33,000 troops.Con. launched surprise attack -
- Adams County, Pennsylvania
- Union won
- lasted July 1-3 -Union Generals: George G. McClellan Troops: 93,921 Advantages: more troops -Conferderate Generals: Rodert E. Lee Troops: 71,698 Disadvantages: less troops
Sherman's March to the Sea
-Atlanta-Savannah, Georgia
-Lasted Nov. 15- Dec. 24
General: Major General William Tecumseh Sherman
Troops: 62,000
Advantages: more soldiers, kept moving
Disadvantages: not much food, walking 15 miles a day
Strageties: 62,000 men split into 4 columns and went different ways meeting in Savvanah, Georgia
Generals: John Bell Hood, William J. Hardee, Gustavus W. Smith, Joseph Wheeler
Disadvantages: weak, tired, and Union soldiers kept moving
Strategies: Defense