Civil war timeline

By jada03
  • 1865 BCE

    Presidental Reconstruction 1863-1867

    Abraham Lincoln created to the 10% plan. Stated that only 10% of the voters in the 1860 election needed to promise an oath to the union and accept the terms of the Emancipation Proclamation. High military leaders and Confederate officials were remoe\ved from this process. After Lincolns' assassination, Andrew Johnson continued his plan. Johnson wanted to broaden the reconstruction plan. He also granted pardon to the people who swore allegiance to the union later congress impeached johnson.
  • Lousianna Purchase

    Territory purchased by Thomas Jefferson from France. The U.S paid fifteen million dollars for the new land. America wanted the Lousiana Purchase for the control of Mississippi ports. Doubling the size of the U.S..Increased our national resources but angered the Indians. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana territory after it was purchased. It ser a percentage for future land and controlled the Mississippi River.
  • Lousianna Purchase

    The U.S., under Jefferson, bought the Louisiana territory from France, under the rule of Napoleon, in 1803. The U.S. paid $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase, and Napoleon gave up his empire in North America. The U.S. gained control of the Mississippi trade route and doubled its size. Contained what now equates to portions of 15 states in the US and 2 Canadian provinces. The U.S. made a down payment of 3 million dollars for the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Missouri Compromise

    This was passed into law in 1820 and regulated slavery in the western states. The balance between the number of slave states and the number of free states in the union.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    President James Monroe Issued the policy in 1832. Prevented future European colonization in the south and central America.This influenced the ideas of manifest destiny because America could grow and expand without European interference. Monroe doctrine the united states become a powerful leader in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas was the United States as the 28th state, though secret negotiations took place between American president John Tyler and with the Houston Administration, a treaty of annexation was secured in April of 1844.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation Treaty. Was the incorporation of Texas into the republic of the United States as the 28th state, though secret negotiations took place between American president John Tyler and with the Houston Administration, a treaty of annexation was secured.
  • Oregon Treaty

    Join claimed and acquired by the Americans, the British, and the Spanish. The Spanish claim to the territory ended after the Adams--Onis treaty was signed. The conflict between the British Americans border. The newspaper headlined "54" 40" or Flight supporting war with the British over territory. This negotiation led to the Oregon Treaty of 1846 granting US control South of the 49th parallel and voiding war.
  • Meixcan Cession

    Completed Manifest destiny by giving Americans control of land from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Contained territories that made up most of the rest of the southwestern United States.U.S acquired this treaty and it ended the Mexican-American War. Mexico Agreed to give California and New Mexico to the United States for 25 million.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    Helped develop the idea of popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession. Outlawed slave trade in Washington DC and strengthed The Fugitive Slave laws. Made Calfornia a free state and did not allow slavery in the new areas in Mexican Cession.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Overturned Missouri compromise by allowing popular sovereignty Nort of 36"30. Stephan Douglas proposed popular sovereignty to decided whether these states would be slave or free states. Both sides sent supporters to sway the votes. This lead to the debated of pro-slavery and anti-slavery. Conflicted turn into violent it became known as Bleeding Kansas.Kansas became a free state. Eventually, this led to the emergence of a new party the republican party.
  • Bleeding (bloody) kansas

    Started because the United States allowed the citizens to decide whether it should be a slave state or a free state. This debate led to extreme violence. Abolosints John Brown led anti-slavery fighters in Kansas before his famed raid on Harper Ferry.Significance of Bleeding Kansas is that this crisis really pushed the North and South apart and had a great deal to do with causing the civil war.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Allow confederate to create a valuable hole in the Union blockade of the Atlantic seaboard.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    The first battle of Manassas and it was the first major battle of the civil war. The Confederate won but it gave the south the urge of confidence and shocked the North.
  • Battle of Antietam

    This Battle ended up with the confederate invading Maryland in 1862. Union won because of that led to president lincoln issuing the emancipation proclamation.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    It was an important measure to the north and the war was no longer about to preserve the union. It stated that slavery ended. Only free slaves in rebellion.Did not free slaves in the region under confederate control. Brought the 13th Amendment brought significance to the war. Also, allow slaves to fight in the side of the union.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Divided the confederacy and cemented the reputation of the union general grant. Gave control of the Mississippi river to the union these two victories were a turning point of the civil war in the union.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    The turning point of the war. General Lee and his army begin a slow> General lee planned to invade the north and force them to end the war but it that fail.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Principles of human equality contained in the DOI and connected the sacrifices of the civil war. Union was created in 1776 ideal of self-government.
  • Congressional Recontruction (1867-1877)

    The time period when congress sent soldiers and northern south to help guarantee the freedom to former slaves. Northerners that went south were called carpet baggers. These people helped with things like aid programs and government. At this point, the U.S was starting to become more of a Democratic society. Congressional Reconstruction was very successful it gave former slaves freedom and gave many southern former slaves education.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    This event was led by General William Sherman. It as the journey of the Union Army destroyed all railroads, factories, farms basically everything in their way/path. Known as total warfare. The main purpose of Sherman's March to the sea in 1864 was to destroy the South strategic and economic capacity to fight. He felt like the south deserved the destruction of their lands for making war first.
  • 13 Amendemnt (passed)

    This amendment stops slavery in the US(it was no longer allowed). After the Civil war, it was written. Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865. When slavery was made illegal, Southern states had to free all slaves even though they did not want to.
  • The 14 amendment (passed)

    This granted citizenship to all people who were born in the U.S including former slaves. Forbid states from denying any person "Life Liberty and property" without due process of law or to deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
  • The 15 amendment (passed)

    Granted African American men the right to vote. Stated that no man can be denied the right to vote because of their race, ethnicity, or religion. This does not include women of any race just men.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Supreme court ruled the "separate but equal" provision of the Lousiana law was constitutional. The case established this principle of segregation until it was overturned in 1954. Case established "separate but equal" know as segregation as constitutional. After this jim crow laws that discriminated against African Americans spread across the United States and enforced in the South.