Civil War Timeline

  • November 6, 1860-Lincoln Wins Close Race-U.S.

    November 6, 1860-Lincoln Wins Close Race-U.S.
    Lincoln wins a four-way race to be President of the U.S. Even though he wasn’t a favorite and isn’t even on the ballot for nine of the states. He then earns enough votes to win the election.
  • Dec 20, 1860-South Carolina First to Secede-South

    Dec 20, 1860-South Carolina First to Secede-South
    South Carolina secedes and is the first state to do so. They were the first slave state to secede. The president at the time declared it illegal but didn’t stop it.
  • Mar 4, 1861-Lincoln Inauguration-U.S.

    Mar 4, 1861-Lincoln Inauguration-U.S.
    Lincoln is inaugurated as the 16th President of the U.S. In his inaugural address he give a strict warning to the South that he will not be tolerating secession
  • Apr 12, 1861-Civil War Begins-Both

    Apr 12, 1861-Civil War Begins-Both
    Confederate forces under General P.G.T. Beauregard bombard Major Robert Anderson and his Union soldiers at Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. Lincoln declared that he would be keeping troops in the fort.
  • Apr 17, 1861-Virginia Secession-South

    Apr 17, 1861-Virginia Secession-South
    Virginia seceded from the Union. Virginia's delegates declared the next day that 88-55 with the south and join the Confederacy. Lincoln make a proclamation calling for 75,000 people to end the rebellion. After May 1861 Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina all secede.
  • Jul 4, 1861-Lincoln Requests Army-North

    Jul 4, 1861-Lincoln Requests Army-North
    Lincoln contacted Congress and sent requests to some people from the Union Army. Congress calls in 500,000 of them. The war will not be short.
  • Jul 21, 1861-First Battle of Bull Run-North

    Jul 21, 1861-First Battle of Bull Run-North
    The First Battle of Bull Run puts Union General Irvin McDowell against the new Confederate army. McDowell is defeated causing a panicked retreat back to Washington. The withdrawal is hampered by the large numbers of spectators who are there to see the battle.
  • March 9, 1862-Monitor vs. Merrimack-Both

    March 9, 1862-Monitor vs. Merrimack-Both
    The Confederate ship USS Merrimack and the Union ship USS Monitor in Chesapeake Bay. The battle ends in a tie. Virginia tries to lead Monitor back into Hampton's Road Harbor to fight another war but was unsuccessful.
  • August 30, 1862-Second Battle of Bull Run-South

    August 30, 1862-Second Battle of Bull Run-South
    The war was a big victory for Confederate General Stonewall Jackson. Union General John Pope was blamed for the loss and was fired from his General duty
  • December 6,1865-Slavery is Abolished-U.S.

    December 6,1865-Slavery is Abolished-U.S.
    The 13th Amendment is created. It abolishes slavery everywhere making it illegal in all states. Nothing including servants is legal.