1. November 6th 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected 16th president of the United States.
3. December 20th 1860 South Carolina secedes from the union
2. December 17th 1860 the first secession meets in Columbia, South Carolina
4. January 1861 Six additional southern states secede from the union.
5. February 16th 1862 Surrender of Fort Henry Tennessee. The lost of this southern fort on Tennessee River opened the door to Union control of the river.
6. June 14 1863 Battle of 2nd Winchester, Virginia Confederate troops under General Richard Ewell defeat Union troops under General Robert Milroy, clearing the Shenandoah Valley of Union forces. 7
7. April 8, 1864 battle of Sabine Crossroads or Mansfield, Louisiana the 1st major battle of the Red River Campaign in Louisiana.
8. March 4, 1865- Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated for his 2nd term of president in Washington D.C
9. April 3rd 1865- Union troops occupy Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia.
10. May 12 1865- the final battle of the Civil War takes place at Palmito Ranch Texas.