Civil war Timeline

  • Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance created the Northwest Territory which was the nations first organized territory. This Ordinance allowed for new states to enter the union with equal terms to the Original 13 colonies. Was known as an ordinance for the government of the territory of the US.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase Treaty was signed by Robert Livingston, James Monroe, and François Barbé-Marbois. President Jefferson purchased the territory from France through this treaty. Jefferson didn't know anything about the land the he purchased so he sent Louis and Clark out to search it.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Established the 36'30 line and made it to where if Missouri was a slave state then Maine was a free state. It was made to balance out slave and free states. North was also prohibited to the 36'30 line but Missouri wasn't apart of it.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    In the early 19th century, in South America, the Wars of liberation ended the mercantilism relationship that South America had with Spain. Great Britain gained strong trade ties with all Latin American countries. The Monroe Doctrine was made by President James Monroe to warn the European countries to not recolonize with Latin America. The British Navy was being depended on since Military power was very limited.
  • Nullification Crisis

    This was a problem between South Carolina and the federal government. Calhoun argued that the constitution gave some states the right to keep out enforcement. The Nullification Crisis had tariffs which were taxes on imported goods.
  • Texas Annexation

    Mexico didn't want to accept Texas Independence which made it to where Texas couldn't be made to be a new state because of the problems that were happening at the border and the slavery issue. The Slavery issue was a balance of power between the free and slave states. With all the problems Texas stayed as an independent state for a long time until slavery was either gone or calmed down.
  • Oregon Treaty

    A treaty that was made for Great Britain and the US which was signed on June 15 in Washington. This treaty brought an end to the Oregon boundaries complications by settling the competition between Americans and British. Since the Treaty of 1818, America and Britain share the area.
  • Mexican Cession

    The Mexican Cession made up the rest of the Southwestern US which was given to us by the treaty after the Mexican-American War. The treat gave the Mexican Cession California, Nevada, and Utah. It also gave them parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Introduced Popular Sovereignty to decide whether or not there should be slavery or it should be abolished. California got to be a free state and you couldn't sell slaves in Washington D.C. The New Fugitive slave law required the North to return any slaves that had run away.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Popular Sovereignty was proposed by Stephen Douglas to decide whether or not the states should be free or slave states. The Missouri Compromise was passed by the Kansas-Nebraska act by allowing popular sovereignty north of 36’30”. Supporters were sent from both sided to put in there votes. Anti- and pro- slavery conflicts became violent which was known as the Bleeding Kansas. This led to a new party being made which was the Republican Party.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Also known as the bloody Kansas was a violent protest in Kansas about making or getting rid of slavery. The bleeding Kansas was apart of starting the civil war. Was also known for being the outcome of the Kansas-Nebraska act.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    This battle was taken place at fort Sumter in Charleston, SC on April 12-13. It killed off a lot of soldiers and had the biggest impact on the US because it marked the start of the Civil War.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    This battle was at Bull Rub Creek which is outside of Manassas Virginia. The Union troops did have the upper hand but the Confederacy ended up taking the win. General George G. McClellan was replaced with McDowell by President Lincoln.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    This freed slaves in some states that were still in a rebellion but at the same time didn't free any. Military wanted the British to stop supporting the South by making the war about slavery. AA was put into the Union Military
  • Battle of Antietam

    Was taken place at Antietam creek in Sharpsburg, Maryland. This war got over 23,000 soldiers killed and wounded. The Union had more loses then the Confederacy but Lee decided to retreat to Virginia. Lincoln to advantage of that by continuing the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Was taken place on November at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Lincoln had visited the battle of Gettysburg field to pay respect to those that had died during the battle. He thought that the Civil war was made to fulfill the Declaration of Independence.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    This war happened at Vicksburg, Mississippi and was caused by General Grant and General Pemberton. Lincoln thinks that capturing Vicksburg would end the war. Grant decided to send troops around the city after failing to take over it. After the Confederacy was split into two, the Union got control over the river which caused a turning point in the west.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Lee wanted ground from the Union so he went to Pennsylvania to get it. The Confederates were winning the battle at first but then the Union took over. Lee lost more then 1/3 of his troops so he retreated to Virginia.
  • Sherman’s March to the Sea

    Was a Military campaign from the Civil War through Georgia conducted by General William Sherman. It began by the troops leaving Atlantic, which was captured, and went to capture Savannah. The purpose of this march was to scare off Georgia so that they would go against the Confederates.
  • Presidential Reconstruction

    The Presidential Reconstruction, also known as the 10% plan, was proposed by Lincoln before he got shot. He wanted to make it to where only 10% of southern voters needed to have an oath to the Union. When Lincoln was killed Andrew Johnson took over and excused those that swore they were part of the Union.
  • 13th amendment passed

    This amendment ended slavery. The only way the south could form a government was by accepting this amendment. The black codes showed the south what would happen if they didn't accept the rights of freedom of all people.
  • Congressional Reconstruction

    Was known as the radical Republican and had new states Constitutions. It divided the military into 5 different districts. Citizen were required to accept the14th amendment.
  • 14th amendment passed

    This amendment gave men rights that were born in that state. Also overturned the Dred Scott Decision by seeing that African Americans were citizens.
  • 15th amendment passed

    All men were allowed to vote no matter what there color was. It was passed on February 3, 1870 as the third and last reconstruction amendments.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson was know as "separate but equal".