Civil war timeline

  • Northwest ordinance

    It added five states. It set the precedent for allowing new states to enter the union to equal terms to the original 13.
  • Louisiana purchase

    This purchase was able to happen because of the Louisiana purchase treaty. this land was bought from France this was the land that Lewis&Clark explored.
  • Missouri compromise

    It admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine was a free state. It made the slave states and free states equal again since missouri was admitted as a slave state and maine was a free state
  • Missouri Compromise

    This admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
    It also drew the line for the expansion of slavery at 36’30” line
  • Monroe doctrine

    President James Monroe issued this to warn the European countries not to recolonize Latina America.The enforcement of this was dependent on the British navy.
  • nullification crises

    John Calhoun from SC nullified federal law because it hurt the state economically. State-rights state have the right to declare a federal law or tax and null and void if it harms states.
  • Texas annexation

    Mexico refused to acknowledge Texas Independence and Texas could not admitted as a new state. This is because of border disputes and the slavery issues.
  • Oregon Territory

    Jointly occupied and claimed by the Americans,the British, and the Spanish claim to the territory ended. this happened after the Adams-Onis treaty was signed
  • Mexican cession

    the Mexican cession completed Manifest destiny by giving Americans control of the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific
  • Compromise of 1850

    Nobody was happy with all the parts of the compromise.Efforts by southerners to reclaim fugitive slaves often stopped by northern states trying to ignore law and protect personal liberty.
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Stephan Douglass proposes popular sovereignty (letting the people decide) whether Kansas and Nebraska would be slave or free states. This led to Bleeding Kansas when both pro and anti-slavery supporters attempted to sway the votes, leading to violence and deaths.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    The conflict of the Kansas Nebraska act caused the violence in Kansas. this is why this was called bleeding Kansas.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Although Union troops had the upper hand in the beginning, the Confederacy was triumphant. Shocked those who hoped the war would end quickly and who were unprepared for the carnage modern warfare would produce.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    The confederate forces fired on the Union held garrison. The garrison commander surrendered on April 13th, and was evacuated the next day.
  • Battle of Antietam

    turned the motivation of the war from preserving the union to abolishing slavery. First Southern invasion of North. Bloodiest day of war. Although the Union experienced more losses than the Confederacy, Lee retreated to Virginia and Lincoln had found the opportunity. He needed to move forward with Emancipation Proclamation
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    the unequal treatment afforded to African American military units.The geographic, economic, and political factors in the defeat of the Confederacy; and the ultimate defeat of the idea of secession. it was brought into light in Sep,22,1862.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln visits the Gettysburg battle field to dedicate a cemetery for the fallen soldiers. He describes the Civil War as a struggle to fulfill the Declaration of Independence and preserve a nation “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Lee set off to Pennsylvania to take some Union ground. Although the Confederates seemed victorious as night fell on the first night of the battle, swift thinking and action on the part of the Union put them at an advantage.
    Lee retreats to Virginia.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Grant lays siege against Vicksburg after multiple attempts to capture the city. Lincoln believes the capture of Vicksburg is key to bringing an end to the war.
    The surrender of Vicksburg, and Port Hudson, Louisiana days later, split the Confederacy in two at the Mississippi River and gave the Union control of the river. Key turning point in western theater
  • Period: to

    Presidential Reconstruction

    This had the ten percent plan that was created by Abraham Lincoln. even after the passing of the president they still followed threw with this plan. Andrew Johnson was the one that wanted to continue with this ten percent plan. this plan basically made it to where only ten percent of voters in the 1860 election need to Oath the union and accept the terms of emancipation
  • 13th amendment passed

    Ended Slavery and Southern states had to recognize 13th Amendment before they could form governments. Black codes demonstrated southerners not willing to recognize rights of freedmen
  • Sherman's march to the sea

    William Tecumseh Sherman also followed the total war strategy. he led his forces on a march to the sea from the Tennessee-Georgia border.this utilizing scorched earth methods
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    Congressional Reconstruction

    Its goal was to punish the split the former Confederacy into 5 military districts controlled by the US Army to better enforce the Reconstruction amendments.The rights they accorded to freedmen
  • 14th amendment passed

    Granted all men birthright citizenship, if you were born here.
    Birthright Citizenship-overturned Dread Scott decision by recognizing citizenship of African Americans
  • 15th amendment passed

    allows all men to vote-motivated by desire to ensure right to vote. By desire of Republican party to establish its political power in the South
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    it created this saying separate but together. Supreme Court upheld/legalized segregation and discrimination-govt abandons protecting rights.