Civil War Timeline

  • Lincoln is elected

    Lincoln is elected
    Lincoln is elected as the 16thpresident of the United States. He is the first republican president in the nation.
  • Jefferson Davis elected first President of Confederate States

    Jefferson Davis elected first President of Confederate States
    Davis is appointed the first President of the Confederate States of America, a position he will hold until elections can be arranged.
  • Southern forces fire upon Fort Sumter

    Southern forces fire upon Fort Sumter
    The start of The Civil War has official begun.
  • President Lincoln calls for militia

    President Lincoln calls for militia
    Lincoln issues a public declaration and calls for 75,000 militia to stop the rebellion.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    Union General Irwin McDowell against Confederate General Pierre Gustav Toutant Beauregard.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Pea Ridge

    The Union victory loosens Confederate hold on Missouri and took away southern control from a portion of the Mississippi River
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    Battle of Shiloh

    First major battle in Tennessee. The Union victory secures the career of Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
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    Battle of Seven Pines

    General Joseph Johnston, commander of the Confederate army in Virginia is wounded and is replaced by Robert E. Lee. He renames his command the "Army of Northern Virginia"
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Bloodiest single day of the Civil War. Results in General Lee's first invasion of the North. President Lincoln will introduce the Emancipation Proclamation
  • Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect

    Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect
    Executive order that freed every slave in the Confederate States. Many abolitionists feel it does not go far enough to totally abolish slavery
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    The Battle of Chancellorsville

    Soon after Lee's loss, he asks Jefferson Davis permission to invade the North to take the war out of Virginia
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    Ulysses S. Grant attacked Confederate defenses in Vicksburg. If the city falls, the Mississippi River will be controlled by the Union.
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    Battle of Gettysburg

    The bloodiest battle of the Civil War disrupts Robert E. Lee's hopes to successfully invade the North
  • Draft Riots

    Draft Riots
    Draft Riots begin in New York and elsewhere as workers believe the draft system favors the rich
  • Gettysburg Address Delivered

    Gettysburg Address Delivered
    In dedication of the Soldier's National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address
  • Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

    Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
    Lincoln issues the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, which would pardon those who participated in the rebellion if they take an oath to the Union.
  • Grant is appointed lieutenant general

    Grant is appointed lieutenant general
    Grant in appointed lieutenant general, a rank revived at the request of Lincoln. Grant assumes command of all Union Armies
  • Battle of Appomatox Court House

    Battle of Appomatox Court House
    After attempting to break through Union forces blocking Virginia. Lee seeks to discuss terms with Grant. Lee signs the document of surrender
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    Lincoln assassinated by actor John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater.
  • Simon Bolivar Buckner surrenders

    Simon Bolivar Buckner surrenders
    Simon Bolivar Buckner surrenders the Army of Trans-Mississippi, the Civil War officially ends.