civil war timeline

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    movement to abolish slavery. Became the most important series of reform movments in America growing in number (19 th century)
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    Missouri compromise

    under president madison. Seried of agreements meant to apease both slave and free states, made by congrss. Maine was admited a free state and Missouri a slave state. the rest of Lousina territory divided along 36 degree 30 sec line where south of the line slavery was legal.
  • Harriete Tubman

    master died in 1849, ran away for fear of being sold, and created the underground railway in counter to the fugitive slave law.
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    Santa Fe trail

    one fo the biggest routes west. 780 mi from Independance Missouri to Santa Fe New Mexico
  • San Felipe de Austin

    Main settlement in the colony foudned by San Felipe De Austin as he gave otu land to settlers in modern day texas as he was given permission by a spain and mexico the settle the land.
  • Mexico Abolishes Slavery

    Mexico abolishes slavery and urges texas to do the same. However some settlers are southerners with slaves and dont want to do this.
  • Stephen F. Austin goes to jail

    Goes to jail after being arrested by mexican president: Santa Anna, being charged with inciting rebellion as he petitioned for texas to be self goverened.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    One of the most prominent slave rebellions in the south aginst the bondage inflicted upon htem by their masters. 50 followers atacked whtie plantation owners: leaving 61 dead.
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    The Liberator

    By william Lloyd Garrison
    to deliver an uncompromisign demand : immidiate emancipation
  • Oregon trail

    trail that could be traveled by wagon from Independance, Missouri, to Oregan City oregan. Blazed in 1836 by two missionaires
  • Texas Rebellion

    Rebellion causing texas to gain it's independance from Mexico
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    Manifest Destiny

    the belief that the united states was ordained to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexico and Native AMerican Territories
  • Texas enters the Union

    texans wanted annaxation. President James k. Polk firmly favored the annaxation of texas
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    Mexican American War

    fought over american belief in manifest destiny as they seeked for more land
  • The North Star

    By Fredrick Douglas
    created to contrast Garrisons radical view upon the solution of slavery: that abolishion justifies whatever means that are necessray to achieve it
  • Treaty of Guadalape Hidalgo

    ended Mexican American War. Mexico agreed to Rio Grande as border between Texas and Mexico. giving a 15 million $ aapeasment. Later purchasing more land for 10 million for terrioty below the Gila river.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    alleged fugitives slaves were not entitled to a trial by jury. Anyone convicted of helping a fugitive fined and sent to jail.
  • Underground Railroad

    a system fo hidden tunnels and hidden compartments to help slaves escape to Canada. Foudned by Harriet Tubman. Freeing 300 slaves
  • Compromise of 1850

    in response to threats of southern secession. california added to the free states. implementing the fugitive slave law. As well as popluar soverignty in all new states,
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Writtem by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Stressed the moral struggle behind slavery
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    proposed by Stephen A. Douglas in congress
    divide territory in 2. Nebraska in the North, Kansas in the south, Repeaeld Missouri Compromise, and established popular sovreignty.
  • Dred Scott v Sanford

    Dred Scott was a slave whose owner took him into free territory and free state. Whcih he then sued for his freedom since he was a free man after being on free territory
    the trial apealed to supreme court whcih the ruling was that Dred scott was considered rpopery and had no right to sue.
  • Abe v S. Douglas debates

    Race for U.S. Senate. Abe vs Douglas (1 term v 2 term) to even the playing field abe challenged Douglas to a seried of debates over slavery. Douglas was in favor of popular sovreignty while Abe preffered emancepation throguh an amendment. Abe lost the seat in Senate but his political career was launched.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry

    John Brown led 21 men to raid the federal arsenory at Harpers ferry. Troops arrivced to put out the rebellion and sentenced John Brown to death.
  • Lincoln becomes President

    Became Enemy of the south. Democratic party split, and licoln won by electoral vote dispite popularity vote.
  • Formation of The Confederacy

    South Carolina was the first to seceed then other followed in 1861 writing their own constistuitona fter meeting in Alabama forming the confederacy. Containing: Missippi, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas
    president of confederacy: Jefferson Davis
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    lincoln decided not to reinforce nor abandon the main fort int eh heart of the confederacy under union control. It fell. Resulting in the secession of Arkansas, Virginia, North Carolina, Tenessee
  • Battle of Antietam

    Led by McClellen in pursuit of Robert E. Lee. Proved to be bloodiest battle in AMericna History: 26,000 cassualties. Next day McClellen did nothing causing washignton to remove him from position
  • Battle of Bull Run

    first bloodshed on the battle field. Won by the Confederates despite the start, boosted their morale, and made some confederates retire believing he war was over.
  • Emancipation proclemation

    Lincoln issued the emancipation of slaves in all the staes that are found to be in rebellion. This gave the war a moral purpose turning it into a fight to free slaves.
  • conscription

    a draft that forced men to serve in the army. Led to draft riots
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    bloody battle: most decisive battle in the war. When A.P. Hill's forces met with John Buford's calvary, causing Buford to take cover in the hills, as reinforcements for both sides arrived. Long battle ended in Robert E. Lee's retreat after a loss of soliders leaving him demoralized.
  • Income tax

    a tax imposed by congress in an attempt to fund the war: tax that takes a specified percentage fo an individuals income
  • Gettysburg Address

    Lincolns affirmation at Gettysburg that the country is a union not a collection of individual states
  • Battle of Vickburg

    Ulysses S. Grant fought to take Vivksburg a stronghold along the Mississippi river. He cut of supplies until they surrendered. This vicotry cut the confederacy in two.
  • Sherman's March

    William Tecumseh Sherman marched throguh gerogia burning houses, livestock, and railroads in his wake. Freeing 25,000 slaves along the way.
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    Union troops conquered the Confederate capital. In April in Appomattox Court House ( a city in Virginia) Robert E. Lee met with Grant and surrendered. Lee's soliders were paroled by grant and sent home to their families with 3 day rations. Within a month all remainigng Confederate resistence fell.
  • 13th Amendment

    the Amendment Abolished slavery in the united states
  • Assasination of Licoln

    In Fords Theatre in Washington, while watching "Our AMerican Cousin" ( a british comedy) during the third act, John Wilks Booth, 26 ear old Actor and southern sympathiser assasinated lincoln