Georgia Platform
A time where citizens who accepted the compromise of 1850, could speak out. The georgia platform was then failed and later the US would still face secession and war difficulties later. Source: New Georgia Encyclopedia -
Election of 1860
The election of the most known president of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, took place in 1860. Lincoln then overcame southern democrats, making the US one country again. Source: GeorgiaInfo -
Battle of Gettysburg
The battle of Gettysburg was a war fought between the Union and Confederates. The Union took he win as the confederate leader, (General Lee's) attack flank failed and the Union had a clear target on them. Source: New Georgia Encyclopedia -
Andersonville Prison
The Andersonville prison was a prison led by the Confederates, that captured Union soldiers and used them for work in 1864. The prison gave the south a huge advantage in farming and industry for the next war. Source New Georgia Encyclopedia. -
Sharecropping helped poor farmers get food in trade for tax. The system worked by keeping the user in a constant cycle of debt and poorness to keep them on it to survive. Source: New Georgia Encyclopedia. -
13th Amendment
The 13th Amendment was a signed agreement to make through the US. The agreement banned any kind of enslavement of any race of any state of matter. Source: New Georgia Encyclopedia