Civil War Timeline

  • Senator Jefferson Davis speaks for Slavery

    Senator Jefferson Davis speaks for Slavery
    Jefferson Davis speaks for slavery attempting to unite the Democratic party and protect slave owners.
  • Cooper Union Adddress

    Cooper Union Adddress
    Abraham Lincolns Cooper Union Address was about how Lincoln believed slavery should be banned in new territories. It is believed to have won him his presidency.
  • Pony Express

    Pony Express
    The Pony Express begins its first run from Saint Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California.
  • South Carolina Congressmen

    South Carolina Congressmen
    The South Carolina Congressman resigned due to the secession.
  • Capture of the Tennessee River

    Capture of the Tennessee River
    General Grant captured Padukah, Kentucky without spilling any blood giving the Union full control over the Tenessee River.
  • Lincoln Elected President

    Lincoln Elected President
  • Southern Secession is Urged

    Southern Secession is Urged
    Seven senators and twenty three representatives gathered together to talk about forming a Southern Confederacy.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    It was a introduced by John J. Crittenden to help the secession issue.
  • South Carolina Seceeds

    South Carolina Seceeds
    South Carolina is the first state that seceeded from the Union. This adds to the building tension between the North and South.
  • South Carolina's Declaration

    South Carolina's Declaration
    South Caralina's Declaration was their version of the Declaration of Independence. It defended their right to secceed from the U.S.
  • Jefferson Davis elected president of Confederate States

    Jefferson Davis elected president of Confederate States
    The first president of the Confederate States of America was elected. It was Jefferson Davis
  • Constitution of Confederates

    Constitution of Confederates
    The Confederates made their own version of the American constitution focusing more on state power than the original.
  • Lincoln's Inaugaration

    Lincoln's Inaugaration
    Abraham Lincoln becomes Presidnt of the United States.
  • Jefferson Davis declares war, Fort Sumter is attacked

    Jefferson Davis declares war, Fort Sumter is attacked
    The Civil War began when Jefferson Davis ordered his troops to open fire on Fort Sumter.
  • More States Seceeding

    More States Seceeding
    After the Battle of Fort Sumter seven more states seceeded from the Union.
  • West Virginia doesn't seceed

    West Virginia doesn't seceed
    The Western citizens in Virginia didn't seceed with the South.
  • McClellan is General

    McClellan is General
    George McClellan replaces General McDowell as general of the Union. Lincoln realized the Union needed a more organized, trained military.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    The Battle of Bull Run was the first battle of the Civil War. It occured at Bull Run which was a creek.
  • South's Navy

    South's Navy
    The South realized the North were blockading them so they started manufacturing smaller boats to maneuver the blcokade.
  • Naval Blockade

    Naval Blockade
    Captain Dupont Fort Walker allowing Sherman to move south.
  • Ulysses S Grant attacks Forts Henry and Donelson

    Ulysses S Grant attacks Forts Henry and Donelson
    Ulysses S. Grant invades these two important forts in Tenessee. Here he became famous for his Unconditional Surrender demand
  • McClellan Gets the Boot

    McClellan Gets the Boot
    George McClellan unfortunately had a case of the slows resulting in his firing. His strategy for the war was to play it safe which Lincoln didn't support. He had enough of it and replaced Mcclellan with Grant
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    This battle took place at a small church named Shiloh in Tennessee. The Union defended the Church and beat the confederates.
  • Farragut claims New Orleans

    Farragut claims New Orleans
    David Farragut, a 65 year old naval commander led an attack on New Orleans, eventually taking control of the city, It was a very important win for the Union to control one of the Souths most powerful cities.
  • Peninsular Campaign

    Peninsular Campaign
    George McClellan and his troops occupied Yorktown, Virginia. McClellan was forced to wait for reinforcements instead of continuing through the South.
  • General Henry Hellick

    General Henry Hellick
    General Henry Hellick became General in Chief of the Union Army
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Although fought at the same creek as the first battle, the Second Battle of Bull Run was much larger than the first. Stonewall Jackson held down the creek long enough for Longstreet to come and get a win for the SouthThere was about 17,000 casualties totaled between both sides.
  • Harpers Ferry

    Harpers Ferry
    Stonewall Jackson captured Harpers Ferry for the Confederates.
  • Antietam

    Battle fought at Antietam Creek in Maryland. It was the first major battle on Union soil and was the single bloodiest day in American history claiming 23000 men on both sides.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    George McClellans slows got the best of the Union Army again when Lee's forces regrouped and attacked McClellan and Burnside at Fredericksburg. This loss lost Burnside his job.
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    Emancipation Proclomation
    Abraham Lincoln declared slavery illegal in the United States.
  • First Conscription Act

    First Conscription Act
    A law passing anyone from the age of 20-45 are elligable to bedrafted into the Union military.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    General Hooker attacked General Lee's forces. Lee split his forces in three gaining a victory for the South. It was the confederates most costly war for casualties.
  • The Stonewall Falls

    The Stonewall Falls
    After the amputation of his arm at Chancellorsville he died of of pneumonia.
  • Vicksburg

    After six weeks of attacking Vicksburg, Mississippi Grant finally gets the General Pemberton to surrender Vicksburg giving the North control of the Mississippi River.
  • West Virginia is Born

    West Virginia is Born
    West Virginia is admitted to the Union.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg was a three day engagement between the North and the South in Gettysburg, PA. It is considered the turning point of the war. There were about 50,000 casualties in this battle.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg Address was a speech given by Lincoln to address the Battle of Gettysburg and the equality of man. It is widely considered one of the greatest speeches in American history.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    The Union troops beat the Confederates away from Chattanooga setting up Shermans Atlanta attack.
  • The Siege of Knoxville

    The Siege of Knoxville
    Burnside attacked the Confederate forces and drove them out of Knoxville.
  • Andersonville

    Andersonville was a Confederate prison camp. Their treatment of the prisoners led to many deaths.
  • The Coinage Act

    The Coinage Act
    Lincoln passed the law that "In God We Trust" must be printed on every coin.
  • The Siege of Petersburg.

    The Siege of Petersburg.
    General Grant attempted to seize Petersburg then move on to Richmond but was stopped by Confederate forces and lost many men.
  • War in the Wild

    War in the Wild
    Grant took his forces into the wild to overpower Lee's forces. They fought in the wilderness for three days.
  • The Battle of Cold Harbor.

    The Battle of Cold Harbor.
    Grant lost 7,000 men at Cold Harbor. Although Lee clearly won he was never able to recover from the men he lost.
  • Lincoln's Conscription Law

    Lincoln's Conscription Law
    Lincoln signs the law that a man could pay to avoid the draft.
  • Atlanta Campaign

    Atlanta Campaign
    Sherman was making his way through Georgia destroying every place he went.
  • Striking Gold

    Striking Gold
    Gold was found in Helena, Montana
  • Lincoln's Re-election

    Lincoln's Re-election
    Lincoln beats George McClellan to be the President
  • Burning New York

    Burning New York
    Confederative agents attempted to burn New York down by setting about 20 fires.
  • African American Males are given the right to Vote

    African American Males are given the right to Vote
    All african american males can now vote.
  • Sherman Marches through North and South Carolina.

    Sherman Marches through North and South Carolina.
    General Sherman marches through the Carolinas destroying everything in his path.
  • Richmond is Captured

    Richmond is Captured
    Confederate Presiden Davis and his cabinet flee the confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia as Union forces near it. The very next day it is captured by the Union.
  • Appottamax

    General Lee surrenders to General Grant at Appottamax courthouse. This marks the end of the Civil War,
  • Abraham Lincoln Assasinated

    Abraham Lincoln Assasinated
    John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln at Fords Theater during a performance of My American Cousin. Lincoln is pronounced dead early the next morning.
  • Booth is Captured

    Booth is Captured
    John Wilkes Booth is captured in a barn in Virginia at the Garret's farm. He is shot and killed by Boston Corbett.
  • Juneteenth

    General Granger arrives in Texas and tells them about the Emancipation Proclamation. It is now celebrated as holiday called Juneteenth.
  • Lincolns murderers are hanged

    Lincolns murderers are hanged
    The four conspirators in Lincoln's assassination are hanged. These men are Davide Harold, George Atzerodt, Lewis Payne, and Mary Surratt. John Surratt escapes to Canada and later makes his way to Egypt so he does not pay for his involvement in Lincoln's death.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment is ratified by three-quarters of the states. This amendment permenantly abolishes slavery in the United States.
  • Henry Wirz

    Henry Wirz
    Major Henry Wirz is hanged. He was the leader of the atrocious war camp, Andersonville. He becomes the only soldier hanged for war crimes.
  • President Lincolns Birthday

    President Lincolns Birthday
    This is the first time Lincolns birthday is nationally acknowldedged
  • Jesse James First Robbery

    Jesse James First Robbery
    The first day light bank robbery takes place in Liberty, Missouri. This was carried out by Jesse James and his gang, although no one is quite sure where Jesse James fits into this event.

    The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded in New York by Henry Bergh.
  • Nickel

    Congress makes the nickel worth 5 cents.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    All former slaves are granted civil rights.
  • Tenessee reinstated

    Tenessee reinstated
    Following the Civil War Tennessee becomes the first state readmitted to the Union.
  • General

    Congress passes the legislation making General of the Army a rank. Ulysses S. Grant is the first to hold that title.
  • Atlantic Cable

    Atlantic Cable
    The Atlantic Cable is established allowing transatlantic telegraph communication for the first time.
  • Train Robbery

    Train Robbery
    The first train robbery takes place. The Reno brothers get away with $13,000.
  • Jesse and gang

    Jesse and gang
    Jesse James and his gang robs a bank in Lexington, Missouri. They get away with $2,000.
  • First Reconstruction Act

    First Reconstruction Act
    The South is split into 5 military states to help with Reconstruction.
  • Fort Stedman

    Fort Stedman
    The Confederate forces capture Fort Stedman from the Union forces. About 2,900 of Lee's men are killed and 1,000 are captured during the counter attack.
  • Ride ins

    Ride ins
    African Americans stage a ride on streetcars in New Orleans to protest segregation.
  • Alaska

    Andrew Johnson announces he is purchasing Alaska.
  • Third Reconstruction Act

    Third Reconstruction Act
    Congress takes over Reconstruction
  • Johnson suspends Stanton

    Johnson suspends Stanton
    Johnson suspends Stanton as Secretary of War after the two clash over reconstruction plans. Johnson places Ulysses S. Grant in the position.
  • Alaska is bought

    Alaska is bought
    Alaska is bought from Russia for 7.2 million dollars.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    Jesse James and his gang robs a bank in Lexington, Missouri. They get away with $2,000.
  • Impeachment

    Congress looks into impeaching Johnson for his lack of effectiveness and unwillingness to follow through with reconstruction.
  • Grange

    Former Minnesota farmer Oliver Hudson Kelley founds the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry. Today this order is known as the farmers organization Grange.