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Civil War Timeline

  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This battle faced the Union, led by Andrew Jackson, and the British by Gen.Edward Pakenham at Chalmette Plantation in Louisiana. After British forces were sighted near Lake Borgne, Jackson “declared martial law in New Orleans and ordered that every available weapon and able-bodied man be brought to bear in the city’s defense.” Jackson launched a daring nighttime attack on British forces and the British were forced to retreat. This battle would end the War of 1812.
  • 1st Bull Run

    1st Bull Run
    Took place on July 21, 1861 near small river Bull Run in Virginia. 35,000 Union troops marched into D.C. to fight a Confederate force.The rebels were able to win against one of the Unions divisions who eventually retreated. The Confederate’s win gave the south pleasure but scared the North, who realized the war might actually be a challenge to win.This was the first major battle that took place on land to spark the American Civil War.
  • Wilson’s Creek

    Wilson’s Creek
    The battle of Wilson Creek was fought i Greene and Christian county Missouri. The battle was between Confederate army lead by Gen. Ben McCullough and the Union army lead by Gen. Nathaniel Lyon.“It was the first significant battle that was fought west of the Mississippi River. It took place 10 miles southwest of Springfield, Missouri and is named for a nearby stream. The battle was of utmost importance to the Union because of the need to keep Missouri in the Union.”
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    At Fort Donelson along the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers Grant had surrounded the fort with about 25,000 union men, and had conducted several small attacks to probe the fort's defenses. Confederates launched a surprise attack on the right flank of Grant's line, but he was able to fight them back and win. This win lead the way for the Union to capture Nashville, Tennessee. The battle's end was on the 6th of February
  • Fort Wagner

    Fort Wagner
    At Fort Donelson along the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers Grant had surrounded the fort with about 25,000 union men, and had conducted several small attacks to probe the fort's defenses. Confederates launched a surprise attack on the right flank of Grant's line, but he was able to fight them back and win. This win lead the way for the Union to capture Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Shiloh

    Confederate soldiers under Gen. Albert Johnston ran out of the nearby woods and struck the camped divisions of Union soldiers occupying ground near Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River. “Massed Union artillery helped to turn the tide as Confederates surrounded the Union troops and captured, killed, or wounded many of them.” Was the first battle to result in a large scale of death and suffering in the Civil War.
  • Donaldsonville

    This battle took place in Donaldsonville, Louisiana the armies involved were the union army and the confederate army lead by General Jean Mouton and General Tom Green. The Union Army had early plans that had called for the dividing the confederacy by taking control of the Mississippi River which slowed trade for confederates. The battle the confederates decided to attack the fort but they ventured into a unknown place that was to them which resulting in a win for the Union army.
  • 2nd Bull Run

    2nd Bull Run
    In Prince William County,Virginia, Robert Lee took the Union army against Maj. Gen. John Pope's Army of Virginia. The Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) proved to be the deciding battle in the Civil War campaign waged between Union and Confederate armies in northern Virginia in 1862. It was significant because it resulted in a victory for the Confederates over the Union Army, although because of the battle over 20,000 men died.
  • Battle of Richmond

    Battle of Richmond
    The battle took place in Richmond Virginia. “Confederate victory by Major General Edmund Kirby Smith against Union major general, William Nelson's forces.” The Union Army was trying to defend the town from the confederate army. This resulted in a win for the Confederate army. This was important because it was the first battle in the Kentucky Campaign
  • Fredericksburg

    General Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and the Union Army of the Potomac, commanded by Major General Ambrose Burnside. “The Union Army's futile frontal attacks on entrenched Confederate defenders on the heights behind the city are remembered as one of the most one-sided battles of the war, with Union casualties more than three times as heavy as those suffered by the Confederates.” One of the greatest confederate victories.
  • Gettysburg

    This battle occurred in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania The armies involved were Confederate army and the Union's army of the Potomac. Although this battle stopped the Union from invading the north. There was more than 50,00 causalities leaving it as the bloodiest civil war ever in the US. This battle was considered a turning point and one of the most important battles in American Civil war history because the Confederate army was forced to back down in which they never recovered.
  • Chancellorsville

    In Spotsylvania County, Virginia. The union under Joseph Hooker and the Confederacy under Robert E. Lee would fight in this battle. Hooker would end up surrendering as a result of Lee and Gen. Jackson’s bold plan to conduct an attack on there exposed flank. This battle proves just how much damage the confederacy could actually do.
  • Vicksburg

    Vicksburg was the last large Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River; therefore, capturing it completed the second part of the Northern strategy, the Anaconda Plan. In Warren County, Mississippi. with their reinforcement and supplies nearly gone, the Garrison finally surrendered on July 4. This battle caused the Confederacy to effectively split in half.
  • Antietam

    Took place at Antietam Creek, Maryland.Faced The Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia against Union General George McClellan’s Army of the Potomac.Early in the morning McClellan’s army attacked Lee’s branch for he was trying to invade the north. Lee eventually ordered his to retreat. This battle would help to shape America’s future, and to this day it is the deadliest one-day battle in American History, the Emancipation Proclamation was issued after the battle.
  • Chattanooga

    Union forces routed Confederate troops in Tennessee at the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge.Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Gen. Braxton Bragg go head to head in three battles that would result in a Union victory. “The city was a vital rail hub that, once taken, became the gateway for later campaigns in the Deep South.”
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Battle of the Wilderness
    “The Battle of the Wilderness marked the first stage of a major Union offensive toward the Confederate capital of Richmond, ordered by the newly named Union General-in-Chief Ulysses S. Grant.”The battle was a tactical draw. “Federals advanced southward toward the crossroads of Spotsylvania Courthouse, where the bloody campaign would continue.”
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    The battle ended in Jun 12, 1864. It occured in Hanover county, Virginia. The armies involved Lee’s army and Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. The main part of the Battle of Cold Harbor was a frontal assault on Confederate lines that ended in nearly 7,000 Union casualties after less than an hour.The Union Frontal Attack On Fortified Confederate Lines caused a victory for Lee’s Confederate army. It was the last major battle for General Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Siege of Petersburg

    Siege of Petersburg
    Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant shifted from defeat of Robert E. Lee's army in the field to eliminating the supply and communication routes to the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia. Confederate works were heavily manned and the greatest opportunity to capture Petersburg without a siege was lost.