Election of 1860
On november 6,1860 Aberham Lincoln was elected. After he was elected many people in the south were unhappy because they know Lincoln wanted to end slavery. A mounth later South Carolina pulled out of the unoin. -
Confederate States of America formed
On December 20,1860 South Carolina pulled out of the union because the election of Lincoln. They know that Lincoln planed to end slavery. If they did not pull out they would lose the majority of there workers witch were slaves. -
Period: to
Fort sumter
Fort sumter was the bombardmendt and surrender of the civil war. South carolina demanded that the US army to abanend there facilitys. Some of the advanteges the north had agenst the south was factorys, railroads,and solders. Some of the advantages the south had agenst the north is they were a better shot and they were fighting a defenceive war. -
Emancipation Proclamation
It was a document issued after 3 bloody years of war that with in the rebelest states would free slaves This document did not work. But in the long run it change the character of war. -
Rickmond va
Richmond va had one of the biggest confedracy hospitals dering the civel war. -
Two presedents both awere of the importarce of the city on the Mississippi river. President Davis knew it was vital to hol the city for the confederacy to survive. Presdent Lincoln wanted the key to gain control of the river and dived the south. This was a turning point of the civil war. -
In gettysburg the federalist had marched there to pass through to get supplies. Then insted they lost over 23000 men and had to retreat. -
Sherman's March
After they lost alanta, the confederate army headed west in to Tennessee. Attacking union supply lines as thy went. sherman was relactent to set off the wild goose chase across the south Majoer general Gerorge thomas took over 60,000 men to meet the confederates in nassville. -
The 13th Amendment
the 13th amendment said that there will be no more slavery except for punishment for a crime. The 13th amendment was passed by congress in January 21,1865 -
Surrender at Appomattox
On april 8th the fedralist arrived to Appomattox county. They went there to gather supplys folowing the railroad to the Appomattox station. The uninun troops happend to be there to and they traped the fedralist troops. -
Lincoln assassanation
Lincoln was watching a play with his wife at the fords theter in a privite booth. When a master mind of assassanation Williom sherwood shot lincoln in the back of the head.