Uncle Tom’s Cabin
When the people in the North read this book they become more aware of the horrible things that happen to slaves. The more people that knew about the slaves the more people became against it. When people in the South read this book they became furious and scared. They were made at the way it betrayed them. They became frightened if the congress and the political leaders decided that there should be a law against slavery. -
The Dred Scott Decision
The North were furious and made sure it was known in the newspaper. They also thought the decision took away freedom that was rewarded to them. The South this helped them in the topic of slavery. That it was more important than all the other things going against slavery. -
The Raid On Harper’s Ferry
The North found this a tragic loss, for John Brown and his men were killed. John brown was against slavery and di everything he could to end it. The South thought of this a a great win for John Brown became a big threat to them and the rights to slavery. When John brown was killed they were pleased yet still afriad for someone else could take his place. John Brown had left an impact on the South. -
Election of Abraham Lincoln
In the election of Abraham Lincoln the North all voted for him. They thought he would make a great leader, and would help end slavery. While the South didn't want him as president and none of them voted for him, because of what he wanted. Once he was elected they were furious. -
Battle of Fort Sumter
The North had lost Fort Sumter and this had began the war they never wanted to happen. The SOuth had attacked and won Fort Sumter and hads started they had been waiting for, the Civil War. -
First Battle of Bull Run
The North had realized that the battle will not be one sided and it will be harder to win the war. That even though they had many people it will still have disadvantage. The South also had to realized that it wasn't a one sided war either. That even though they were good fighters they still had a disadvangate. -
Battle of Shiloh
The North had lost the battle becaause they had struggled for around six hours before surrendering. The South had won and had set the North back and gave the South more of advantaged. -
Battle of Gettysburge
The North had won the battle, it was one of the longest battles . They had won the war with this battle. The South had lost a lot of men and a lot of them were injured , witch forced Lee to retreat and soon surrender in the war. -
Sherman's March to Sea
For the North Sherman's March to Sea was a big advantage because it destroyed the South leaving them in dispear. The South had lost farms houses crops, everything. THe march had set them back. -
Surrender at Appomattox Court House
The North was happy for this had been the day where the South came to surrender and the North won the Civil War. The South was devestated because that was the day they lost the Civil War and they knew that the laws against slavery would begin. -
13th Amendment
The North liked the admendment because it was now a law to free the slaves, which was what they have been fighting for in the war more than anything. The South hated the admendment but had to agree to it in order to come back into America. -
Civil RIghts Act of 1866
The North found the Civil Rights Act a good thing because it infored and gave more detail to the 13 admendment. The South disliked it because it forced more into the topic of slavery.