civil war tiemline

  • Lincoln Inaugruration

    Lincoln Inaugruration
    On monday March 4, 1861 at 1p.m Lincoln became the 16 president. He was ready to lead the union.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Charleston Harbor open fire on the union garrison holding fort sumter. At 2;30pm on April 13 Major Rober Anderson, the Commander on Garrison surrendered the fort and was evacuated the next day.
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    This was the first big land battle of the armies in virginia. McDowell crossed at Sudley Ford and attacked the Confederate left flank on Mathews Hill. Later in the after noon they broke the union right flank. By july 22 the shattered union army had reached Washington.
  • Gettysburg

    The Gettysburg battle was a turning point in the Civil War The union victory ended General Robert E. Lee second and most determined fight of the north. This was the war’s bloodiest battle with 51,000 casualties. this was an inspiration for President Abraham lincoln Immortal Gettysburg Address.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    When Lincoln was president he wanted to keep the Nation together but he did not want to put an end to slavery. on September 22 1862 he issued the preliminary Emancipation.
  • Fredericksburg

    it took place in spotsylvania and Fredericksburg.on september 17, 1862 23,00 soldiers were killed, hurt or missing after twelves hours of savage combat. The battle of Antietam had ended the Confederate army of Northern Virginia’s first attack.
  • The Battle of Vicksburg

    The Battle of Vicksburg
    This battle started on may 18 and ended on july 4, 1863.Ulysses S. Grants armies met on Vicksburg, the put money on the city and catch a Confederate army Under Lt Gen.
  • Petersburg

    The battle was for 9 and a half mouths, there was 70,000 casualties. Butler’s was leading elements across the Appomattox River and they attacked the Petersburg defenses on june 15. On june 16 the 2 Corps captured another section of the Confederate line.
  • Lincoln reelection

    Lincoln reelection
    In his reelection there was a lot of Northers who had voted for him. In 1864 he had faced many challenges to his presidency, like the war has been going on for 4 years now. But over all that was going to on licoln was reelected
  • Sherman’s March to the sea

    Sherman’s March to the sea
    Atlanta fell to shermans army in the early September 1864.he was loyal to the next few weeks to chase Confederate troops In georgia. in the process he learned the alternative strategy. Which destroy the south by laying waste to its economic transportation infrastructure.
  • fall of Richmond

    fall of Richmond
    When the Confederate government moved from Alabama to Virginia the quiet successful virginia state capital was turned into a noise crowed. Which was the Ferguson notes which targeted the military headquarters. By spring 1865 the citizens of Richmond became used to the threat of capture by the Federal army whose soldiers the Richmond newspaper.
  • Fall of Richmond

    Fall of Richmond
    When the Confederate government moved from Alabama to Virginia the quiet successful virginia state capital was turned into a noise crowed. Which was the Ferguson notes which targeted the military headquarters. By spring 1865 the citizens of Richmond became used to the threat of capture by the Federal army whose soldiers the Richmond newspaper.
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse
    Harried show no mercy by federal troops and continually cut off from turning south , Lee headed west, they eventually arrived in Appomattox country on April 8. When they were heading from the south side at Appomattox Station there was food supplies awaiting, but once again they were cut off nearly surrounded by Union troops near the small village of Appomattox Court trapped.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
    lincoln was kill April 14 Shortly after 10 pm The man who killed him was John Wilkes Booth a famous actor. He shot lincoln in the presidential box. Lincoln slumped forward in his seat and he was died and John Wilkes Booth Escaped through the back door