Civil War Reconstruction Digital Timeline

By grierb
  • African americans Join the fight

    1792 law banned Black men from enlisting in the U.S. military.
    The emancipation proclamation reversed the law so black men could join in the war. 54th Massachusetts regiment= significant war.
  • Compromise of 1850

    This debate lasted eight months. The issue of slavery was left to white settlers in the Utah and New Mexico territories. The fugitive slave act was strengthened to become more effective.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave act was apart of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern interests in slavery and Northern Free-Soilers. The Federal marshals would force ordinary citizens to help capture slaves. anyone who aided to help the slaves would suffer.
  • The Kanas Nebraska Act of 1854

    Both Kansas and Nebraska laid in the unorganized territory deemed free by Missouri compromise of 1820. After this act was passed the Missouri compromise was repealed. Then they took a vote to see if they wanted or do not want slavery.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    After Kansas was passed as a slave state. Most citizens were not happy with this outcome. They split into two governments pro and anti slavery parties. This first act of anti slavery was John Brown an abolitionist went to Pottawatomie creek and brutally murdered five men just to prove his point. He wanted their lives to feel like a slaves life.
  • Dred Scott v Standford 1857

    Dred Scott was a black men who was inslaved to a white and moved to a free slave state Dred Scott stated if I live in a free state i should be free. This case goes all the way to the supreme court but they said that a ruling stated that black men and women were not counted as citizens. They stated that they also can't restrict slavery in the territories at all. Which rendered the Missouri compromise of 1820 unconstitutional which meant like it never existed. So in all he was never freed.
  • John Browns Raid on Harpers Ferry 1859

    John Brown made an attack on harpers ferry arsenal which had many guns and weapons and took many people for leverage
    Brown wanted to trigger the revolt to slavery and ecourage people to speak out.
  • Election of 1860

    Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, John Bell, John Breckinridge, all ran for president. Lincoln won shocked the southerners. Lincoln victory shocked southerners. He didn't win a single southern state many southerners assumed Lincoln sought to abolish slavery.
  • Crittenden plan

    federal government would have no power to abolish slavery in the states where it existed Missouri compromise line would be reestablished and extended to the pacific ocean. The plan was defeated in congress and succession crisis continued. The plan didn't pass which if it did slavery would have gone on longer.
  • March on Washington

    Dix led a march on washington in April 1861 demanding women be allowed to serve as nurses in the war effort as the result of the protest secretary of war edwin stanton gave dix the responsiblity of recruiting female nurses for the war effort
  • Siege of Fort Sumter

    confederate forces laid siege to federally controlled fort sumter in Charleston South Carolina. Civil War was on its way and it was coming fast.
  • Battle of bull run

    Marked the first major land battle of the American Civil War. The Confederate victory gave the South a surge of confidence and shocked many in the North.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Union Victory Loss of Life: ~23,000 men This battle was the bloodiest battle in the war to that point.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    12,653 Union casualties and 4,201 Confederate casualties.
  • Emancipation proclamation

    The proclamation Declared enslaved people in Confederate states as legally free, now and forevermore.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Confederate stronghold with geographic advantages May 18- july 4 1863 Win by the union
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    July 1-July 4, 1863 Union Victory Lee lost ⅓ of his army and the Confederacy was now on the defensive while the Union was positioned for victory in the war.
  • Drafting in the North

    The North also faced the need for new soldiers.the Union made its own draft in the form of a law called the Conscription Act. This act was to provide fresh manpower for the Union Army
  • Gettysburg Adress

    Lincoln delivered a speech at the battle site to commemorate the loss of so many men and to dedicate a military cemetery there. His address reinforced the principles of freedom and equality found in the Declaration of Independence.
  • President Lincoln Reelected

    Lincolns reelection made sure that he would take over the successful conclusion of the Civil War. Lincoln's victory made him the first president to win re-election.
  • Shermans March

    Sherman waged total war on a path of destruction through the South. Atlanta, GA->Savannah, GA->Columbia, SC->Fayetteville, NC- Bentonville, NC->Raleigh, NC But he didn't destory savannah nobody knows why.
  • Slavery Is Abolished

    Congress passed the 13th Amendment, which banned slavery in the United States
  • Freedmens Bureau

    to help the formerly enslaved, as well as impoverished white southerners
  • Confederate surrender at appomattox

    By the beginning of 1865, war had nearly completely devastated the South. Sherman continued to march through the Carolinas, burning homes, barns, and crops. Robert E. Lee tried to overcome the loss of Richmond, but he was eventually surrounded by Union forces in Appomattox, Virginia. Following a brief battle, Lee agreed to surrender.
  • The Reconstruction Acts Of 1867

    Outlined the conditions under which the Southern states would be readmitted to the Union following the American Civil War
  • Ku Klux Klan

    It was founded at the end of the United States Civil War to make right of how the Americans wouldn't do things or to "protect"
  • the 15th Amendment

    Republicans wanted the change the law to make a 15th Amendment to the Constitution. That way they pushed to make sure you could no matter your color, race or poll tax
  • Amnesty Act of 1872

    the Amnesty Act of 1872 removed voting restrictions on most of those who had belonged to the Confederacy.
  • Panic of 1873

    Many people lost their money when banks closed and lost their jobs when businesses collapsed.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Democrats agreed to award the victory as long as the Republicans would end reconstruction and remove federal troops from the south.