Civil War Project

  • 1820 BCE

    Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was an important agreement in the U.S. it attempted to balance the power between free and slave states. The compromise let Missouri enter the Union as a free state. This event affected the Civil War leading up to it because it did ease the issue temporarily, but it did not completely fix the ongoing slavery problem. Also this contributed to the Civil War because the compromise symbolized the growing divide between the North and South.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    The Mexican American War was between the years 1846 to 1848 and it was a conflict between Mexico and the United States. In the end U.S. got a portion of Mexico, which helped with the expansion of the United states. But the conflict continued with the debate over which states were slave states or free states. This all had a part leading up to the Civil War because of the rising tensions and the increased divide between their nation.
  • Compromise Of 1850

    Compromise Of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850, made by Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas were 5 laws that tried to address the issue of slavery. Which made California a free state and prohibited the slave trade in Washington D.C.. The compromise was aimed to bring more balance between the free and slave states and lightening tensions. Although this compromise ended up increasing the issue of slavery which helped lead up to the Civil War.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act was a very controversial event. Due to the fact people had many different opinions on the act. Any person had the ability to capture and return a fugitive slave even if they were I a free state. This led to white men hunting for slaves and violently kidnapping escaped slaves, it led to resistance and tensions between people who were pro or anti slavery and It also strengthened the abolitionist movement. These all were significant to the Civil War.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was an anti-slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was written to tell the story of an enslaved African American family that lived on a plantation. Also the story presents a woman who escaped slavery while showing the brutal and cruel reality of slavery. The novel started being a best seller, it sparked an outrage with northerners. It helped portray the slaves as humans with emotions, motivations, and experiences which overall did contribute to the Civil War.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    The event of Bleeding Kansas was a time of violence in the 1850s that happened in the Kansas territory which was a place of debate over slavery. Kansas was already a free state but Missouri was looking to make it a slave state, those disagreements led to the violent conflicts between both pro-anti slavery groups. These violent confrontations included destruction of homes, businesses, and murders of abolitionists.The huge issues and continuous violence were significant to the upcoming Civil War.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas Nebraska Act was a law that was passed to allow new states to be admitted into the Union. Although it did disagree with the Missouri compromise's decision to ban slavery, just people within their borders could decide if they wanted to ban slavery this was called popular sovereignty. But following that, violent conflicts started after people flowed into Kansas. The Kansas Nebraska Act was significant to the Civil War because of fail to resolve the issue of slavery.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    The court case of the Dred Scott Decision was a big supreme court case over if slaves or escaped slaves in free states were citizens or not. The court ruled that any African American was not and cannot be an American citizen. Slaves were not citizens they could not file lawsuits or bring claims against their owners. This court rule was a major disappointment to the abolitionist movement and their brought tensions between different groups, leading up to the American Civil War.
  • Abraham Lincoln Election

    Abraham Lincoln Election
    The Abraham Lincoln Election was a huge change in politics, since it was officially the first time a candidate that was picked to be president didn't support slavery. Abraham focused on lessening the expansion of slavery and preserving the Union. 1860 Lincoln was elected and it was seen as a huge victory for the anti-slavery movement. But this event led to some southern people felt their life was under attack, which eventually was a significant event that contributed to the Civil War.
  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    Battle at Fort Sumter
    Battle of Fort Sumter was a 34 hour conflict started by confederates. Started April 12th and ended April 13th, slavery and the debate over state rights was the main cause of the Battle. The U.S. was working towards their independence until the Confederacy saw Fort Sumter as a threat and attacked. The Battle was significant because it was considered the beginning of the Civil War but it also demonstrated the Union and that the people were to fight for their independence.