Civil War (Major Causes) Timeline

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    there was a great debat over where slaving would be allowed. missouri entered as a slave state when main entered as a free state.
  • Wilmont Proviso

    david wilmot planned to stop the spread of slavery into mexico, his plan passed the HOUSE but FAILED in the Senate.
  • Free Soil Party

    this was the new political party that was formed in Buffalo, New York. it was formed by northeners who anted to discuss the issue of slavery.
  • compromise of 1850

    california enters a a free state and the area form mexico and divided in utah and new mexico. it ended slave trade in washington d.c.
  • Fugitive State Law

    this law was part of the compromise and it was a required law.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    this novel was written to stop slalvery.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    divided lands into kandad and nebraska territories. decided that slavery issue would ne dicided by popular sovereignty. led to violence in the state.
  • pottowatom; creek killings

    most of the battles and killings happened here.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    dred scott was a slave and he lived in a free territory with his owner but the owner moved back into a slave state and died there.