William McKnight Civil War Letters Timeline

By woodymd
  • Arrived at Galliopolis

    Arrived at Galliopolis
    He's writing to his wife, Samaria, to update her about their location. William and his regiment arrived at Galliopolis the day before. They're most likely remaining in this location for about a week, possibly longer, until the Colonel arrives and they receive their horses. https://www.westpoint.edu/academics/academic-departments/history/american-civil-war
  • Temporarily staying in Galliopolis

    Temporarily staying in Galliopolis
    They can't leave until the day after tomorrow, because they've been busy. They chose their horse today, and they have to bring in 30 more, beautiful brown and black horses tomorrow morning. It's the next day and they didn't start today, so they're going to start on the 27th. They are going to go by Jackson and Piketon then continuing to Ripely. William says "you will hear from me as soon as we get straightened out as I can find time.", this information is being sent to Samaria, William's wife.
  • At Camp Ripley

    At Camp Ripley
    William informs Samaria about their coming up move to Lexington Kentucky, in no more than six days. He's going to be leaving Ohio which means he's moving far away from his family. William says "I would like to have some money but there is no chance now. We do not expect to be paid very soon I have little money yet". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JzSH4tsack
  • Leaving Camp Ripley Soon

    Leaving Camp Ripley Soon
    William and his regiment are still at Camp Ripley. They're packing up getting ready to leave to Lexington, Kentucky leaving Ohio. As soon as the carbines for the battalion arrive, they'll be on their way to Lexington. They plan to stay in Lexington for the winter, which means William might be able to come home for a small period of time.
  • At Camp Ela Bishop near Lexington, Kentucky

    At Camp Ela Bishop near Lexington, Kentucky
    They're going to build stables and probably stay all winter. They have tents that keep them warm, these are essential due to the fact that there has been about 5-6 inches of snow on the ground. William wishes his wife well after learning about her harsh cold.
  • Events at Camp Ella Bishop

    Events at Camp Ella Bishop
    He's writing to his sister Mary about the camp. He explains how they have good times and they have plenty to eat for them. He went for a ride that day before to see Ben Rutherford across the fields, but he had already went into town. He also too a small ride with Lieut Brunker to the Pike, where they got some fresh butter and fresh steaming crackers.
  • Arrived in Harrodsburg Garrard Co. Kentucky

    Arrived in Harrodsburg Garrard Co. Kentucky
    They're camping in "the grounds of the Celebrated White Sulphur springs of Kentucky. Williams thinks the springs is the most beautiful woodsy area. They arrived to their camping area the night before at the perfect time to set up their tents. Before they could proceed they had shovel 2-3 inches of snow. Their site is about 1/2 miles outside of town.
  • In Nicholasville, Kentucky

    In Nicholasville, Kentucky
    William and 25 other men parted ways with the Cap and Lieuts, at Crab Orchard and since then they haven't heard from them. Kentucky was invaded by Rebels so William's regiment is soon getting furloughs, since the congress outlawed the prohibiting act.
  • Camping near Kentucky River

    Camping near Kentucky River
    The men have taken eighteen hundred prisoners and any beef cattle, near Crab Orchard. William is very delighted with the beautiful spring weather April has brought to him, compared to the several inches of snow in the recent past. https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/index.htm
  • Camp of the 7th O.V.C Sumerset Kentucky

    Camp of the 7th O.V.C Sumerset Kentucky
    William and his regiment left Stanford the day before yesterday, and arrived last night. 23 of the men got left at Stanford. They're within 6 miles of the river. They're pickets are set u not far from the enemies. They have about 10,000 men. They can get called at any time to fight, but as William says " they are ready and confident".
  • Camp of 7th O.V.C Kentucky

    Camp of 7th O.V.C Kentucky
    William just returned from Cumberland where he had been on picket duty for 4 days. William and 25 other men went with Capt. and Brunker. On Saturday 45 men from the next post above them, captured the rebels pickets. Also on Saturday, the boys form the post above talked were North Carolina troops celebrating the 4th of July in Kentucky. On Sunday nothing happened. The Capt. halted a firing to the rebels. William and 11 other men went about 2-3 miles into the country and found the rebels camping.
  • Camp near Danville, Kentucky

    Camp near Danville, Kentucky
    William started to Jim Town on the 2nd to attempt to reach the regiment and leave the "dismounted" men at camp. He arrived in Jim Town on the 3rd and found the regiment. The Capt. had gone out and the Colonel said it was very unsafe and sent him back to camp in command of 33 men. William and 22 other men been at this camp for 4 days. William has been scouting.
  • Camp of the 7th OVC Stanford, Kentucky

    Camp of the 7th OVC Stanford, Kentucky
    They're moving at 7 A.M. that morning to Crab Orchard, the sun hasn't even risen yet. It is expected that they'll get new horses and clothes. They'll get better water there, water is scarce where they're at now. The got new carbines yesterday and got paid. Lieut Geyer resigned and is returning home.
  • Camp 7th OVC-12 miles from Greenville

    Camp 7th OVC-12 miles from Greenville
    They've been laying in front of the enemy for 7 days, battling with the rebels. Last Monday they had a large battle and lost eight men, killed and wounded. The rebels lost three men. Waiting on reinforcements. They captured 20 wagons, horses, and drivers yesterday.
  • Camp in woods near Russellville

    Camp in woods near Russellville
    Tennessee were in advance and the morning of the 6th the regiment was completely surrounded by an overwhelming force, before dawn had even struck. They drove in their pickets and moved their train to Rogersville. The rebels fired then stole a part of the train. Some men chased them down on a horse or mule. They planted their 4 battery guns about 1/4 mile away and fought until they overpowered.
  • Camp 7th OVC Beans station

    Camp 7th OVC Beans station
    They just returned from a battle field, in which they earned victory. The battle was held late afternoon, near Moorestown by their Brigade. They came up and "dismounted and deployed" parallel to the road. The enemy fled off.
  • New Market

    New Market
    The winter weather is back once again. William has been ill which means he's been away from his regiment for 8 days. He tried to return but needed more rest before he returned to his duty. He's returning today or tomorrow. Their enemies are still ahead, but they haven't tried to fire lately.
  • Knoxville, Tennessee

    Knoxville, Tennessee
    William sold one of his horses for 50 dollars and he only paid 35 dollars, he made 15 dollars. He got his picture taken and sent it to Susan, his sister. William and his regiment are expecting to move today.
  • Headquarters 7th O.V.C, East Knoxville Tennessee

    Headquarters 7th O.V.C, East Knoxville Tennessee
    William is looking forward to getting permitted to come home and visit his loved ones at home. They expected to be on their way to Kentucky before now. William and 44 other men are dismounted. The enemies are 27 miles above them and they've done very little fighting, so they have more rations. The weather has been very cold and dry.
  • Headquarters Co K 7th O.V.C. Nicholasville, Kentucky

    Headquarters Co K 7th O.V.C. Nicholasville, Kentucky
    Several of William's regiments men returned today. William was informed that S.S Hanes was drafted. http://www.civilwar.com/