Civil War- Katlyn Skubal B-3

  • the first election of president abraham lincoln

    the first election of president abraham lincoln
  • Period: to

    Attack on Fort Sumter by the Confederacy

  • the surrender of fort sumter to the confederacy

    the surrender of fort sumter to the confederacy
  • the confederate capitol of richmond virginia falls or is captured by the union army

    the confederate capitol of richmond virginia falls or is captured by the union army
  • Period: to

    First Battle of Bull Run or First Manassas

  • confederate states of America is formed and jefferson davis in named its president

    confederate states of America is formed and jefferson davis in named its president
  • gen ulysses s grant gets union victories at fort henry and fort donelson in tennessee

    gen ulysses s grant gets union victories at fort henry and fort donelson in tennessee
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Ironclads

  • Period: to

    Battle of Shiloh

  • General robert e lee is given command of the army of northern virginia

    General robert e lee is given command of the army of northern virginia
  • Period: to

    The 7 Days Battle

  • Period: to

    Second Battle of Bull Run or Second Manassas

  • Period: to

    Battle of Antietam

  • Period: to

    Battle of Fredericksburg

  • Period: to

    Battle of Fredericksburg

  • president lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation

    president lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation
  • Period: to

    Battle of Chancallorsville

  • confederate general thomas "stonewall" jackson died

    confederate general thomas "stonewall" jackson died
  • Period: to

    The Fall or captuer of Vicksburg

  • Period: to

    Battle of Gettysburg

  • Period: to

    Battle at the Wilderness or the Wilderness Campaign

  • Period: to

    Battle of Spotsylvania

  • Period: to

    Battle at Cold Harbor

  • Period: to

    Battle at Petersburg

  • david farragut and the union navy captures the seaport of new orleans

    david farragut and the union navy captures the seaport of new orleans
  • President Lincoln re-elected for the 2nd term

    President Lincoln re-elected for the 2nd term
  • union gen william t sherman burns atlanta ga to the ground and begins his march to the sea

    union gen william t sherman burns atlanta ga to the ground and begins his march to the sea
  • union general william t sherman finishes his March to the sea and captures savannah, ga

    union general william t sherman finishes his March to the sea and captures savannah, ga
  • the confederacy and gen robert e lee surrender to grant at appomattox courthouse va

    the confederacy and gen robert e lee surrender to grant at appomattox courthouse va
  • president lincoln died and vice president andrew johnson takes over as president of the u.s

    president lincoln died and vice president andrew johnson takes over as president of the u.s
  • the union enacted or passed a law creating the first military draft of men into the army

    the union enacted or passed a law creating the first military draft of men into the army
  • the opening of the conference prisoner of war camp andersonville

    the opening of the conference prisoner of war camp andersonville