election of lincoln
Lincoln wins Presidency because of the deeply divided democratic party having three diffrent canidates including John C. Breckinridge, John Bell, Stephen A Douglas. He became the first republican president of the united states -
Texas secedes from Union
Texas becomes the 7th state to secede from the union when votes were about 166 to 8. -
Houston kicked out of office
Sam houston served as a sentator for the US. Sam houston also ran for governor of texas he won and tried to get texas from seceding from the union and when texas secdeded he was kicked out because he refused to pledge alegiance to the confederate states of america -
Battle at fort sumter
Gen. Beauregard, in command of the Confederate forces at Charleston South Carolina demanded the surrender of the Union troops of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor .commander Anderson refused. On April 12 Confederate artilery fired on the fort. Major Robert Anderson surrendered Fort Sumter, evacuating the fort. This battle was important because it marked the start of the civil war -
Battle of galveston
General John B magruder was in charge of the cofederat forces in this battle they attacked and made the occupying union soldiers from the city of galveston retreat -
Battle of gettysburg
From july 1-3 This battle was fought aproximentaly
158,300 people were in itaproximentaly 51,000 of the soliders died 23,000 being US soliders and 28,000 being confederate soliders ultimately ended with the Union winning -
Battle of Sabine pass
Was one of the few attempts by the union to gain controll of territory in texas. This battle was a Land vs Sea battle this battle was unique because the lack of arms and troops for texas -
Red River campaign
Lasting from march 10- may 22 1864. The union hoped to capture everything along the red river in louisiana FInaly union officials wanted to capture cotton producing regions as there was a shortage in the north -
Reconstruction ends
The federal governement made conditions in order for the southern states to get back into the union and by the end of reconstruction black people in the south had the same rights as white people such as right to earn property,marriage,attend school,etc -
End of the civil war
Confederate general Edmund kirby smith commander of the confederate forces west of the mississippi signs the surrender paper given by the union when smith surrendered the last confederate army had been removed bringing a end to the civil war -
battle of palmito ranch
Was fought and won by the conferacy this was the last major battle fought in the civil war occuring even though the war was officialy over -
oldest known celebration commemerating the end of slavery in the united states union soldiers led by Major General Gordon Granger landed at galveston with news that the civil war had ended and that all enslaved were to be freed