Civil War in the US and Texas

  • election of Lincoln

    election of Lincoln
    When the northern and southern democrates split into to partys it gave the republicans (Abraham Lincoln) enough votes to win the election. He also was not on lots of the states ballots.
  • TX Secedes from Union

    TX Secedes from Union
    When Houston refused to call the texas legislater to consider it the citizens were prepared to act without him. Finaly Houston called the Legislature into session. Texas then secedes.
  • Houston kicked out of office

    Houston kicked out of office
    Houston was kicked out of office because he refused to call the texas legislater to consider seceding texas.
  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    Battle at Fort Sumter
    General Beauregard, in command of the Confederate forces opened fire on the Union garrison holding Fort Sumter. Robert Anderson, garrison commander, surrendered the fort and was evacuated the next day.
  • Battle of Galveston

    Battle of Galveston
    the battle of Galveston was a land battle that ended with Confederate forces driving out the Union ships.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    it was faught around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War. The battle involved the largest number of casualties of the entire war.
  • Battle of Sabine Pass

    Battle of Sabine Pass
    During the fight a Union flotilla of four gunboats and seven troop transports steamed into Sabine Pass and up the Sabine River with the intention of reducing Fort Griffin and landing troops to begin occupying Texas. As the gunboats approached Fort Griffin, they came under accurate fire from six cannons. The Confederate gunners at Fort Griffin had been sent there as a punishment.
  • Red River Campaign

    Red River Campaign
    The Red River Campaign started march 10th and went through may 22nd 1864. The campaign was a Union initiative fought between approximately 30,000 Union troops under the command of Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks, and Confederate troops under the command of Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor.
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
    There were many causes of the civil war, including differences between northern and southern states on the idea of slavery, trade, tariffs, and states rights.The war ended in Spring 1865. Robert E. Lee surrendered the last major Confederate army to Ulysses S. Grant. There were battles after this date but this is generally considered the official end of the civil war.
  • Battle of Palmito Ranch

    Battle of Palmito Ranch
    The Battle of Palmito Ranch is generally recognized as the final battle of the American Civil War, being the last engagement of any significance involving casualties. The battle was fought on the banks of the Rio Grande.
  • Juneteenth

    Juneteenth is the day when all slaves in America became free.
  • Reconstruction Ends​​Jan 10, 1876

    Reconstruction Ends​​Jan 10, 1876
    1877 The nation was prepared to abandon its commitment to equality for all citizens no matter of race.