Election of Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln's oppenets in the Elcetion of 1860 were John Cabell Breckinridge and Stepehn Arnold Douglaus. Lincoln didnt even have more than half of the poplular vote beacuse the democratic side was split half so it resulted in LIncoln winnig. -
TX secedes from the union
After Abraham Licoiln was elected as president Lincoln told Houston that he should consider to see if Texas should could secede from the union. When Houston held a convention the vote to secede overpowerd the vote to not but Houston refused to take an oath of allegiance to the confederacy and and was then replaced. South Carolina, Georgia, Flordia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas left the union. -
Houston kicked out of office
When Lincoln told Houston to consider holding a convention to see if Texas should secede the people of Texas had the popular vote that Texas should leave the union and join the confederacy. Sam Houston didnt want to take an oath to the confederacy. Sam Houston was then forced out of the office. -
Battle of Fort Sumter
On April 12, 1861, General Beauregard leader of the Confederate side at Charleston, South Carolina, demanded the surrender of the Union of Fort Sumter in Charleston . The commander of the union, Anderson, refused. On April 12, Confederate opened fire on the fort. On April 13, Anderson surrendered Fort Sumter, evacuating on the following day. This started the Civil war. -
Battle of Galveston
The south lined there ships up with using cotton bales for protection. The north dldnt had ironclades for protection. They then attacked Union ships in the harbor. Confedrate troops attacked Union troops on land in Galveston caturing many soldiers. In the end the Confederates gained control of the port and maintained control of it for the rest of the war. -
Battle of Gettysburg
When the Union sent some of thier soilders to the town of Gettysburg to get supplies they had the suprise of seeing the confederacy group already there.When Lincoln found out he sent soilders to split the union and the confedracy apart. The next day both sides charged at each other and started the 1st day of the battle of Gettysburg. The battle went htrough the next day and the confederacy won the battle. -
Battle of Sabine Pass
In the morning of September 8, 1863 the Union and thier gunboats traveled into Sabine Pass and up the Sabine River. As the gunboats approached Fort Griffin they came under accurate fire from six cannons.Union soldiers attack ,but the confedracy fight back and win.back and wins a victory for the Confederacy. -
Red River Campaign
The Red River Campaign in April 1864, The Civil War appeared to be decided. The South had fought long and hard against the North but the and military of the Confederates was not enough tagainst the resources of the North. The Red River Campaign was the last Confederate victory of the war. -
End of Civil War
The end of the Civil War Confederate forces west of the Mississippi, signs the surrender terms offered by Union negotiators. With Smith's surrender, the last Confederate army ceased to exist, bringing a formal end to the bloodiest four years in U.S. history. -
Battle of Palmito Ranch
The Union and its men defeated over 800 Union soldiers in the last battle of the Civil War. Not until after the battle did the Union hear from one of his prisoners that the confederacy had surrendered a earlier in the war. A few days later, Union officers met with the Union to arrange a truce. -
Juneteenth is a celebration of African American freedom. WHen the war ended it meatn that the enslaved were now free. The Emancipation Proclamation by Lincoln also helped the freeing of slaves because he was against slavery. -
Reconstruction Ends
The reconstruction was the rebuilding of the United States because the sates that had seceded like Texas was now being brought back to the United States.