Civil War Important Events

By Jyago
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    On March 3, 1820, Congress passed a bill granting Missouri statehood as a slave state under the condition that slavery was to be forever prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36th parallel, which runs approximately along the southern border of Missouri.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    It was an attempt to seek a compromise and avert a crisis between North and South. As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was stopped.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Law or Fugitive Slave Act was passed by the United States Congress on September 18, 1850, as part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern slaves and Northerners.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly, is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War,
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of Missouri.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    A controversial ruling made by the Supreme Court in 1857, shortly before the outbreak of the Civil War. Dred Scott, a slave, sought to be declared a free man on the basis that he had lived for a time in a “free” territory with his master.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry was an effort by white abolitionist John Brown to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia
  • South Caolina Secedes

    South Caolina Secedes
    On December 20, 1860, South Carolina became the first Southern state to declare its secession and later formed the Confederacy.
  • Lincoln Elected For President

    Lincoln Elected For President
    This was the day that President Lincoln was elected President.
  • Attack On Fort Sumter

    Attack On Fort Sumter
    The Battle of Fort Sumter was the bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter, near Charleston, South Carolina, that started the American Civil War. Following declarations of secession by seven Southern states, South Carolina demanded that the US Army abandon its facilities in Charleston Harbor.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Although January 1st, 1863, is the date most Americans identify as the day the Emancipation Proclamation officially took effect, the ideals of the Proclamation had been carefully contemplated by President Lincoln many months before.
  • Gettysberg Address

    Gettysberg Address
    Lincoln's address at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, November 19, 1863.
  • Lincoln Re-Elected President

    Lincoln Re-Elected President
    he United States presidential election of 1864 was the 20th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 1864.
  • Battle of Appomattox Court House,

    Battle of Appomattox Court House,
    The Battle of Appomattox Court House, fought on the morning of April 9, 1865, was one of the last battles of the American Civil War. It was the final engagement of Confederate Army general Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia before it surrendered to the Union Army under Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln's Assassination
    United States President Abraham Lincoln was shot on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, while attending the play Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre as the American Civil War was drawing to a close