Cotton Gin
The Cotton gin made it easier to get the cotton seeds out. Making that easier, Southern states started making even more of those plannations. Requiring, or relying, on slaves and cheap labor workers But mostly slaves. With that in mind, the U.S had problems about free states and slave states. And making any southern state a free state was not an option for them. -
Louisiana Purchase
The U.S. was having problems with slaves and borders of the states.The purchase doubled the U.S. giving them more states and borders to manage. They question was will the new union be slave? or free slave state? -
American System
a political plan that promoted taxes and tariffs to protect the American industry. Through this system, and african american named Dred Scott, was deined his citizenship. Which interfered with the Missiouri Comprimise. -
Missouri Compromise
This prohibited slavery in all of the louisana purchase except for in missiouri. That should solve the problems of borders and slave states in the U.S. or so they thought. Later the supreme court annonoced that congress had no authority to prohibit slavery. Bringing the U.S back to the same problem. -
Monroe Doctrine
A forgien policy for if europe colonized or interfered with south america it would be viewed as an act of agression. Sense the Europe couldnt interfer, neither could the U.S. Britiain had plans to be involed with America, so Britain probably did not like the doctrine, giving the m reason to fight in the Civil War. -
Nat turners Rebellion
A rebellion for slave use. Over 50 rebellious slaves were killed. Many fought for the use of slaves. What was stopping them, or fighting against them, were people like Nat turner. With two sides wanting two seperated things would of course cause more then just conflicts. -
Texas Revolution
The texas Rev. was their fight for independence from mexico. Texas deciede to join Ameria, it was agreed that it was the most reasonable and tatical thing to do. Sense Texas is now apart of America, they had the role of sending of troops for the Civil War and really helped during the war. -
treaty of Guadalupe-hidalgo
another name for it is the peace treaty for america and mexico republic. The treaty ended the War of mexico and America, giving mexico an unsure future. But after it extremism went to mexico and the civil war started not too later. -
Compromise of 1850
a document of 5 seperate bills passed in the United States dealing with the issues of slavery. It made California a free state and D.C no longer a slave trading state. one act gave a fine for any non-arrested slaves a fine. This made others even more against slavery cause it encouraged slave owner to capture even more slaves. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
an anti slavery book. The book was very much against fugitive slave law. Inspiring many to be against slavery, it uplifted the side of anti-slavery. causing the civil war. -
Kanas-Nebraska act
Created new territory to settle in. Because of this the missiouri comp. was apealed due to the new territory. -
Dred Scott decison
A slave who had a master but went to a free state for a while but went back to missiouri. His master died and he was in a slave state. Anti slavery lawyers supported him and took matter to supremecourt to get his Citizienship but it was denied. This most likely disturbed any Anti slavery people cause disbutes for the civil war. -
Harper's ferry
A town in west virgina that was raided by an anti slavery man John brown. He attacked a government arsenal. This was not just a rebellion. No it was much more agressive then that it was a legitamate attack. -
North Carolina Secedes
This gave the state the right to seperate from the federal union. Like Texas,NC had a big job of sending supplies and troops. But the disputes affect what led to the Civil War. -
Nullification Crisis
A crisis when Andrew Jackson was president.South Carolina said that the tariffs from 1828 and 1832 were uncontsitutional. They did not like their rights taken away or what President Jackson did leading up to the civil war. -
Election of 1850
An election when the democratic party had an extra seat. This giving the democrats a little more power. Cause even more disputes that lead to the civil war.