Civil War Events Timeline

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    Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln has the right to be credited with big push to end slavery. He is one pf the greatest leaders.
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    Missouri Compromise

    The MIssouri Compromise kept the balance of pro and anti slavery states. Allowing Mane as a free state, Missouri was able to become a pro slavery state. This created tension between the North and South because thw North did not like congress could aid in the expansion of slavery. This becomes an argument over power.
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    Compromise of 1850

    It was five big separate bills that needed to be passed. This was during the Mexican American War.
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    Fugitive Slave Law

    It was nicknamed the Bloodhound Law, for for the dogs that tracked down run away slaves.
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    Kansas-Nebraska Act

    This is when the U.S. congress got passed. It pretty much gave Kansas and Nebraska he freedom of choosing whether or not they wanted slaves in their territories or not.
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    Election of 1860

    It is a time where Abraham Lincoln defeated Southern democrat. It was a split between Northern and Southern democrats.
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    Battle of Antietam

    Bloodiest single day in American military history ended in a draw. Abraham Lincoln got the victory he wanted.
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    Battle of Gettysburg

    It was victory that stopped an invasion from the North. Ity was also won of the bloodiest battles ever.
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    Emancipation Proclamation

    presidential proclomation, it declared all slaves would be freed. Although it didnt even have free one slave.