Civil war events

  • the missouri comprimise

    there was intense protestion adnagains pro-salvery and anti slavery
  • fugitive slave act of 1850

    a slave power consipicy popped out, and was a contreversial element of 1850
  • kansas-nebraska act

    douglas hoped he would not have to take a side on the issue so he relied on "popular soveirnty"
  • bleeding kansas

    it represent the bloodshed of when violence was used for settling in kthe kansas territory
  • bleeding sumner, brooks-sumner fight

    brroks beat sumner with a wooden cane
  • dred scott decision

    dred scott sued his master for his familys freedom
  • election of 1860

    seven states formed confederecy
  • battle of fort sumter, 1861

    generel beuegard opened fire on union garrison
  • emanicioation proclomation

    abraham linccoln issued it, as the nation entered civil war
  • battle of gettysburg

    lee led his army to invasion to enter the battle of gettysburg