Civil War Era

  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President of the United States

    Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States of America. This increased sectionalism between the north and the south. The south feared that Abraham Lincoln would enforce the eradication of slavery upon them and their economy and way of life would be ruined.
  • South Carolina Seceded from the Union

    South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union. Their reasons for seceding strongly regarded the Nullification Crisis and the election of Abraham Lincoln as president because Lincoln had many opposing views of the south. South Carolina led and influenced other states to eventually secede and form the Confederacy.
  • The Confederate States of America Formed

    The Confederate States of America were formed and decided in a meeting in Montgomery, Alabama. The Confederacy was composed of seven states at first and they wrote a constitution stressing states rights. Jefferson Davis was elected president of the CSA.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    The first shots were fired in the Civil War at the attack on Fort Sumter following the secession of seven states from the Union. The southern troops, led by Robert Anderson attacked the northern troops led by P.G.T Beauregard. There was a southern victory that resulted in four more states seceding from the Union and an increased support for both the north and the south.
  • West Virginia is Formed

    Virginia split into two parts. The western portion of Virginia did not want to secede from the Union and did not want to join the Confederacy and were admitted as states into the Union, The remaining state of Virginia joined the Confederacy and continued to be slave states.
  • Four Border States Join the Union

    Four border states joined the Union. These states included Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri. They joined the Union because of political and military reasons.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    The first Battle of Bull Run occurred. This was the first major battle between the two armies on Virginia land. This resulted with a Confederate victory because of the Union's panicked retreat back to Washington.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln releases the Emancipation Proclamation. This declared that all slaves would be freed and blacks were to be issued as soldiers. The fault in this proclamation was that the south was not a part of the nation anymore so they did not have to follow Lincoln's laws. From this point on the Civil War was a war over slavery.
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    The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg occurred. General Robert E. Lee brought his Confederate troops to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and attempted to attack the northern troops. However, he lost a significant amount of soldiers in Pickett’s Charge resulting in the second failed attempt of invading the north.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address, which is one of the best known speeches ever given in American history. Though it was short, it stressed the importance of human equality as stated in the Declaration of Independence. He stressed that this was not a struggle for the Union, but for the principle of equality.
  • ulysses S. Grant as Commander of Union Army

    Ulysses S. Grant takes command as Commander of the Union Army. This ended the Union’s long search for a consistent and successful general. He will eventually win the war by having Lee surrender to him. He also becomes President of the United States.
  • Thirteenth Amendment Added to Constitution

    The Thirteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution. This amendment abolished slavery once and for all. This was significant because this Amendment is still on our Constitution and it signified the end of the Civil War and slavery completely.
  • Abraham Lincoln Sworn Into Second Term

    Abraham Lincoln is sworn in for his second term as president. He is sworn in about one month before the Civil War ends and is assassinated a few days later. His presidency was extremely successful as he abolished slavery.
  • Jefferson Davis Captured

    Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, was captured. Him and his Cabinet had planned to move farther south and continue the slavery struggle at a better time. The Union troops captured him, stifling his plans.
  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders

    General Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant in Virginia. This was the end of the war.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassinated

    John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. When shooting him he screamed, “Sic Semper Tyrannis!” which translates to “Thus always to tyrants!” He had planned to shoot him six months prior to this date but his plan never worked until this day.
  • Andrew Jackson as President

    Andrew Jackson, Lincoln’s former Vice President, was inaugurated as President preceding Lincoln’s death. He was a Democratic southerner who opposed Radical Republicans. He was a weak president and was the first to be impeached.
  • General Joe Johnston Surrenders

    General Joe Johnston, leading the largest Confederate Army still in existence at that time surrendered in North Carolina. His surrender completely eradicated all Confederate forces still existing.
  • Ulysses S. Grant as President

    Ulysses S. Grant, former Union general was elected as President. He became president following Andrew Johnson’s impeachment. He aligned himself with the Radical Republicans.
  • Election of 1876 Ended

    Rutherford B. Hayes won the Election of 1876, beating Samuel J. Tilden. He was a liberal Republican and a Civil War general. This election was significant because there was an electoral deadlock so Congress had to form an Electoral-Commission. Because there was one more Republican than Democrat in this Electoral Commission, Hayes was determined to be the winner. Fraud was suspected in the Election of 1876.