civil war

  • The missouri comprise

    it was an action by congress to difuse sectional and political revialries
  • The mexican war.

    American mexican war. Marked the first war fought on foreign soil.
  • fugitive slave act

    laws that allowed the capture and return of the runaway slaves
  • kansas nebraska act

    it opened new lands for settlers.
  • Bleeding summer

    A senate was beaten because he wantd kansas to be a free state instead of a slavery state.
  • dred scott decision

    African americans wether slaves or not could not be a american sittizen
  • Jhon browns raid

    attempt to start an armed slave revolt.
  • election of 1860

    didnt really use the south for anything like putting abraham in the white house
  • south carolina secedes from the union

    Mahor spot for political and military importance
  • Battle of fort sumnter

    a general in charg of the confederacy opended fire on fortsumnter
  • The unions anaconda plan

    It was a civil war strategy that actually won it for them.
  • Battle of antietum

    used powerful forces and agonst Robert E Lee.
  • Battle of getysburg

    Most impotant engagement of the civil war
  • Emancimation proclimation

    Slaves were freed and should be freed untill other words hince from then forward
  • Shermans march of the sea

    This march his forces destroyed other infastructures and varius other things
  • confedderate surrender

    final engage ment of confederate states army before it surrenddered
  • Comprise of 1850

    defused 4 years of slavery
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Various wars inlcluding the freedom of slaves