Civil War

  • Missouri Comprimise

    Missouri Comprimise
    The compromise was that the Union allowed Missouri into the Union even though they were a slave state. One side would have slavery and the other wouldn't.
  • nat Turners Slave Rebellion

    nat Turners Slave Rebellion
    Nat Turner believes that god has told him to avenge the sins of the slave owners the men met secretly for months so they could plan their uprising they ran killing every white man they saw the rebellion last 36 hours they killed 35 people because of the rebellion
  • Comprimise of 1850

    Comprimise of 1850
    The compromise happened after the Gold Rush. Henry Clay would try and make a compromise. He would make the compromise into 5 different bills. One was about California, one was about Southwest territory, one was about Texas and Mexico Border, one was about the Slave trade in D.C. and the Fugitive Slave Law. In the end, they barely did anything.
  • Fugitive Slave laws

    Fugitive Slave laws
    Would order states to capture and return runaway slaves. Law would punish people who would harbor slaves for a criminal activity. People were punished under state laws. There would be many people in the South who would eventually be punished.
  • Uncel Toms Cabin

    Uncel Toms Cabin
    It was a book that said negitive stuff about slavery and then was trans lated into 60 different langueges and it played a roll in the laws against slavery it divided the people that supported slavery and the people who didnt
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    While violence was going in Kansas and people were making newspapers on it. Many people would argue over slavery and how it should be decided without government. There were two sides of the government. One side wanted slavery and the other didn't. Republicans didn't want slavery and Democrat wanted it. People would fight and cause havoc for it. Many people were killed in Kansas territory. The law was passed on May 30, 1854
  • LIncolns Election

    LIncolns Election
    Abraham Lincoln was elected to be president on November 6, 1860. Lincoln would only win 40% of the popular vote. Lincoln was facing Stephen Douglas. His election would then cause the South to want to break off of the United States. The South wanted to break off since Lincoln didn't want to have slavery. This was important in history because Lincoln was one of the reasons that slavery was
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Was a fortification in South Carolina. This is the place the Civil War began. Abraham Lincoln decides to build a fort with humanity supplies instead of more guns. South would consider it an aggressive act. South told North to surrender, North did not and South would attack the fort, no one was killed. North ended up not having enough supplies and had to surrender.