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Civil War Digital Timeline

  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    Secession -
    After Licoln was elected he told the the South he would not interfere with slavery in their states,but drew the line at letting slavery spread further. After South Carolina voted to leave the Union.Licoln said it was wrong and unconstitutional,South Carolina opened fire on Fort Sumter.
  • Period: to

    The Civil American War

    The American Civil War
  • The Anaconda Plan

    The Anaconda Plan
    Anacona Plan -
    The Anaconda plan was developed to captue the Confederate capitol Richmond. Step one was to block all Southern ports. Step two was to divide the Confederacy by capturing the Mississippi River. And then take control of Richmond.
  • Battle of Bullrun

    Battle of Bullrun
    Battle of Bullrun -
    American soldiers thought the war would be over with a few small battles. During the battle a female spy betrayed the union and gave out valuable information. Citizens watched the battle like a sporting event but soon realized it wasn't safe and fled. This battle showed America it woulden't be won easily.
  • Confederats create an Iron giant

    Confederats create an Iron giant
    Iron Giants -
    The Confederacy thought of a plan to create a giant iron warship that would destroy all wood boats. They succeeded in doing this by taking all of the Unions left over scrap iron and constructed it. It sunk a few Union ships and the Union decided to make one of there own so they did, The two fought but it ended in a stalemate.
  • Antietam

    Antietam -
    More people died on this day then on any other day in American history. The Confederacy attacked first to look strong,so that they could persuade Maryland to join them. This forced America to go through many technological advances
  • The Emancipation Proclaimation

    The Emancipation Proclaimation
    Emancipation Proclamaion -
    The Emancipation Proclamation was a ''law'' that was issued by Abraham Licoln,the law states that all slaves in rebellion states were free.This law was pased for the simple fact that it would weaken the Confederacy.
  • 54th Regiment Massachusettes

    54th Regiment Massachusettes
    54th Masschusettes Regiment -
    This was the first African American soldiers to fight for the union.They were paid less than White soldiers and protested it until Abraham Licoln equaled the pay amounts.They attacked Fort Wagner and half were captured,injured,or killed.They showed great bravery.
  • Siege on Vicksburg

    Siege on Vicksburg
    Vicksburg -
    Union troops controlled Southern and Northern ends of the Mississippi River. Union needed to split the Confederacy but they needed to capture Vicksburg. The Confederacy was dug in to well so they just starved them until they surrendered.
  • Battle at Gettysburg

    Battle at Gettysburg
    Gettysburg -
    The Conferdacy attacked Gettysburg and the North held them off for three days straight.After the battle more people had died than in any other battle. After the battle the Confederacy never attacked again,they just defended.
  • Siege on Petersburg

    Siege on Petersburg
    Siege of Petersburg -
    This battle took the Union nine long months to win.The Confederacy was defending Richmond that Petersburg was there last defense.Losing Petersburg was a fatal blow to the Confederacy.
  • Sherman's attack on Atlanta

    Sherman's attack on Atlanta
    Sherman invades Atlanta -
    Sherman T. Sherman led his Union troops into Atlanta with the sole purpose to end the war. Soldiers took anything they wanted and burned the rest.They also cut all supplies getting into Atlanta to weak the army to the point of no return. The purpose of burning the city was to keep them from returning to it.
  • Appomottox Court house

    Appomottox Court house
    Confederacy surrenders -
    One last battle is fought in Appomottox and is easily won by the Union. When this happens General Lee finally surrenders. Although a few conditions had to be met. Them being that the Confederate soldiers could go home if they pomise to stop resisting the Union,They could also take any livestock that belonged to them,Officers could keep weapons,And food would be sent to Confederate troops