Civil War chapter 1

  • 1

    The New Warriors do a reality show in which they are dedicated to looking for villains to defeat them, in that Namorita makes nitro esplote where about 800 to 900 people die including children
  • 2

    Some superheroes come to help to the pople in of the explotion
  • 3

    The the entire world start to doubt about the security that the superheroes bring and two sides are formed,
    those who are in favor of superheroes and those who are against them.
  • 4

    the Captain America is surrounded by soldiers of shield and maria hill tells him to surrender, then the captain does not accept and fights until he manages to escape in a jet.
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    The people want justice outside of the Capitoly
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    The government is doing the superhumans registration act law.
  • 7

    Iron-Man decide to go to search to the Captain America