Screenshot 2015 04 27 at 1.28.37 pm

Civil War

By mads03
  • Lincoln Wins Office

    Lincoln Wins Office
    Abe Lincoln Wins presidency out of 4 people, through electoral vote.
  • South Carolina First to Secede

    South Carolina first to secede from the union
  • Mississippi Secedes from Union

  • Florida Secedes from Union

  • Alabama Secedes from Union

  • Georgia Secedes from Union

  • Louisiana Secedes from Union

  • Texas Secedes from Union

  • Battle of Fort Henry

  • Battle of Fort Donaldson

  • Lincoln Inauguration

    Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the sixteenth President of the United States. In his Inaugural Address he gives a stark warning to the South: he will not tolerate secession.
  • Confederate Constitution Signed

  • Civil War Begins

    Confederate forces under General P.G.T. Beauregard bombard Major Robert Anderson and his Union soldiers at Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The Civil War officially begins.
  • Confederates Attack Fort Sumter

  • Period: to

    Fort Sumter was Attacked

  • Union Surrender at Ft. Sumter

  • Virginia Secedes from Union

  • Arkansas Secedes from Union

  • Tennessee Secedes from Union

  • North Carolina Secedes frim Union

  • First Battle of Bull Run

  • Battle of the Moniter and Merrimack

  • Battle and Capture of New Orleans

  • Battle of Antietam

  • The Emancipation Proclomation

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Lincoln wins re-election

  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse