Civil War: Causes & Events

  • Period: to

    Underground Railroad

    System of escape for slaves fleeing into northern states or Canada
    Whites harbored slaves illegally to allow for passage
    Roughly 100000 slaves fled via railroad
    Violated Fugitive Slave Act
    Increased sectionalism thru:
    Slaveholders could not trust the north to return escaped slaves anymore
    Thousands of court cases were filed, few of which came to fruition
    The north was beginning to separate from the south in ideology so much that north was not obeying the same laws as the south (FSA)
  • Cumberland Road

    Cumberland Road
    Federally funded because it passed through many states
    Bridge between west and north
    Connected the Potomac and Ohio rivers
    Ran from Cumberland, MD to Vandalia, IL
    Quick trade passage
    Increased sectionalism thru:
    Not connecting the south to the west
    Opened up immense, quick trade to North
    Trade benefited industry
    Created a cheap way for northern workers to be fed
    Left the south out from trade
    Set the south back industrially
    South still has very slow trade with north and west
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    Description: Very high protective tariff
    38% to 92% tax on imported goods
    Response to Britain producing goods for low prices that were not achievable
    Increased sectionalism thru:
    Hated by south due to it being a raw material producer and finished good consumer
    Favored by North due to the North being the industrial sector
    Left south in a worse condition economically than north
    Made southerners angry because they now needed to sell their raw goods for more to make profit
    Unconstitutional to south
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    Mexican-American War

    Gurney sweeps in through California
    Taylor leads through disputed area (Texas) and wins at Palo Alto
    Scott brings the Navy into Vera Cruz and dominates
    We receive California and Texas territories
    Increased sectionalism thru:
    We now have all this new land and don't know whether it should be slave or free
    Texas is created as one huge slave state to limit representation
    California was created as one large free state to limit representation
    Debated if these lands should be slave or free
  • Mexican American War Image

    Mexican American War Image
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Created Kansas and Nebraska as states
    Opened up Midwest for farms and transcontinental railroad
    Popular sovereignty to be applied to Kansas and Nebraska
    Increased sectionalism thru:
    The south sent border ruffians to disallow northerners from entering Kansas without being roughed up
    North sent abolitionists there just to vote and outweigh southerners
    Massacres occurred at farmsteads, families were slaughtered
    Power grab for both north and south
    Fight for blue or red representation
  • Sumner v Brooks

    Sumner v Brooks
    In front of the Senate, Senator Charles Sumner insults Representative Preston Brooks with derogatory comments
    Brooks hears about speech
    Brooks walks over and beats Sumner on stage with his cane
    Sumner ends up in a coma
    Increased Sectionalism thru:
    Showed that the south will do whatever it takes to get their way
    Shows ferocity of the south to northerners
    the south supports Brooks' actions
    Brooks receives hundreds of canes and gets reelected
    Shows south is willing to do anything
  • Dred Scott v Sandford

    Dred Scott v Sandford
    Dred Scott is a slave
    His owner dies
    Family member in Illinois inherits Dred
    Court decides that Dred is property, so he is constitutional forced to serve in Illinois, a free state
    Increased sectionalism thru:
    Slaves are legally property
    Slaves could travel into northern states via property, making north not free anymore
    Dictum is issued stating Dred had no case because blacks are so inferior to whites
    Any state is now capable of being a slave state
    Fear of slavery entering north
  • Underground Railroad Image

    Underground Railroad Image