Civil war : Causes & Events (1785 - 1860)

  • Missouri Comp

    Missouri Comp
    Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state and slave state were not to be admitted above the 36/30 line.
    What was important was that this decision kept the balance between the slave and free states.
  • Comp of 1850

    Comp of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 stopped the expansion of slavery in the western states.
    The importance of this was that the south would not gain as much power so the north would not have to worry about their power growing.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act made it so that slave hunters could go into free states to capture runaway slaves to bring them back to the south.
    This law sparked an outrage because when the slave hunters were getting the slaves it was breaking the law to get them from the north; also, slave hunters would capture free black men and women for spite.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin is a book about the lives of three african american people, two slave and one free.
    The publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin cause many to question the morals of slavery since the book depicted slavery as a horrible thing through the events in the book: the north took it very well and loved it, while the south outlawed it and said that is was all lies and was make to entice a rebellion.
  • Kansas/Nebraska Act

    Kansas/Nebraska Act
    This act allowed the inhabitants of Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether or not they will be a slave or free state.
    This choice made the inhabitants of these two states fight each other, people from other states called what was happening as they were "bleeding kansas".
  • Dredd Scott Decision

    Dredd Scott Decision
    Dredd Scott was a Virginia slave that sued for his freedom is court since his owner died. Dredd was inherited by a relative of his last owner that lived in a free state. When Dredd sued for his freedom he was announced as property and did not have the rights that a normal US citizen has.
    The court case made it clear that slaves were not treated as people but as property.
  • Harpers ferry

    Harpers ferry
    John Brown was an anti-slavery "Jayhawker" when the bleeding or Kansas occured. John and his sons raided a military stockpile of weapons to help get rid of slavery, to start a rebellion. John was captured quickly after the raid and was hanged for treason.
    The north saw John as a martyr, a man fighting the good fight, the south on the other hand saw him as a terrorist.