Nat Turner's Rebellion
- Slave uprising
- Spread through serveral plantations
- 57 white people dead
- 55 slaves executed
- Slave uprisings were common but this was one of the bloodiest
The Wilmot Proviso
- Proposed by David Wilmot
- Provided 2 mil. to negotiate settlement with Mexico
- Prohibit the extension of slavery into the territories
- It was never passed by both houses
- Would have outlawed slavery in territory gained by the US as a result of the war with Mexico
- Sparked debate
The Compromise of 1850
- CA is admitted as free state
- Popular sovereignty in Mexico
- Fugitive slave law enacted
- Made slave trade illegal in Washington DC
- Prevented further expansion of slavery but strengthened slave act
Uncle Tom's Cabin
- Written by Hariet Beecher Stowe
- Sold 300,000 in the first year
- Made illegal in slave states
- Opened peoples eyes to the horrors of slavery
Kansas- Nebraska Act
- Both states under popular sovereignty
- Sparked border ruffians
- Both factions struggled for five years to make the states either a free or slave state
- 56 lives taken
Abraham Lincoln's Election
- Anti- slavery outlook
- His name wasnt included on many southern ballots
- A month after polls closed SC seceded from the union and six more states followed
The Battle of Fort Sumter
- After SC seceded United States Maj. Robert Anderson moved his 85 soildiers to Fort Sumter on December 26
- They had limited food and the confederates disliked a foreign force on their territory
- They demanded he surrender and he refused
- On April 12th confederate batteries opened fire on the fort for 34 hours
- This begun the Civil War