Civil war

Civil War : Causes and Events

  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    6 states were added to the United Stetes. Ohio, Indinana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. All of these states prohibited slavery in the Northwestern territory. This is significant because this increases the amount of land that can be used for mills, farming and to grow and expand the US population. This is also a huge chunk of land that the United states can add to their country. This also prevents slavery from expanding up north! This gives the North more representation in Congress
  • 3/5 Comprimise

    3/5 Comprimise
    This was a comprimise from the North and South that numerated 3/5th of the slaved population to count as representation purposes in taxes and to determine how many House of representitives the southern states get. As a result of the 3/5th Comprimise, questions were risen about the morality legality of slavery. All though only 3/5th of the slavery population counted as representation, this comprimise benefited the south a lot.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The invention of the Cotton Gin in 1793 by Eli Whitney revolutionized Slavery in the South. This machine could mass produce cotton much more efficient then ever before. With the mass production of cotton, the demand of cotton in America soared. With the higher demand of cotton in America, There was also a higher demand of slaves. This invention boosted the economy at the time;however, it only made slavery much more needed.
  • Missouri Comprimise

    Missouri Comprimise
    This comprimise between the North and the South made Slave states equal to free states. Missouri wanted to become a slave state in America so to make it equal, Maine was added to the USA as a free state in 1820. Also to solve any slave state disputes, The 30 60 line was produced. This line made it so slave states could not be north of the line. This also helped the expansion of slavery stay in the south.
  • Comprimise of 1850

    Comprimise of 1850
    This was another comprimise from the North and the South. This made California admit to the USA as a free state. This comprimise also ended slave trade in Washigton, DC. Slavery in the new territores were agreed to be based upon popular sovereignty. California soon become the state that everyone ventured to is search of finding gold and becoming rich.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This was a legendary book written by Harriet beecher Stowe that depicted the daily life of a slaved family. This was wriiten in Brunswick, ME. This book caused a lot of controversy with people from the south. At this time, it was estimated that nearly 2/3 of the Northern population had read from this book. This book was the number 1 seller and the most popular book in American history besides the Bible. Some say this book ingnited the start of the Civil War.
  • Dred Scott v. Sand Ford

    Dred Scott v. Sand Ford
    This was a supreme court case. The main concern in this case was, Do slaves get freedom in free territories? Dred Scott was a slave whos owner died, he was given to his owners son who lived in a free state. Dred Scott sued his owner for his freedom. The court denied Scotts request stating that African American slaves are not citizens and have no rights!