Period: to
Civil War
Cooper Union Speech
Abraham Lincoln gives his Cooper Union Speech, which is later said to greatly help him with his later presidential victory. This speech was before he was even nominated a republican nominee for the presidency. The speech was very important because it was addressing his views on slavery. -
1st Democratic Convention
Democrats held their first national convention in Charleston South Carolina. Charleston was one of the most pro slavery cities at the time of the convention so it was packed with pro slavery spectators. The democrats were trying to figure out their nominees for the upcoming election. -
Constitutional Union National Convenion
The convention met in Baltimore to discuss their nominees for the upcoming election. At the convention they voted for John Bell of Tennessee, with vice president Edward Everett.They were picked over the competitor Governor of Texas Sam Houston. -
Lincoln is Nominated
Future president, Republican Abraham Lincoln is nominated as a candidate for the presidency. He is a one time US representative from Illinois. He is nominated by Republicans. -
Census of 1860
The census of 1860 shows a population of 31,183,582 which included the 13% of the population that was slaves, 3,950,528. 2% of the population in the north were slaves while 39% of the population in the southern states were slaves. -
Democratic Candidates Nominated
The democrats nominate two nominees for the 1860 election. The democrats nominate John C. Breckenridge and Stephen A. Douglas. Republican Abraham Lincoln will soon defeat both candidates in the election in a few months. -
16th President Elected
Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president of the United States of America. He will be the first republican president. He won with 40% popular vote. -
Robert Anderson Takes Over
Robert Anderson a career military officer of the first United States Artillery from Kentucky is ordered to take command. He is ordered to take command of Fort Moultrie and the defenses at Charleston Harbor, also at Fort Sumter the war will begin in less than a year. -
1st State to Ssecede From Union
South Carolina in winter 1860 becomes the first State to secede from the union. They lead the way for many more state to follow, not even a year after. -
Anderson Moves Troops
The United States Major General Robert Anderson moves his troops. He moves the US troops from Ft. Moultrie in Charleston SC to Ft. Sumter. Where soon the battle of Fort Sumter will take place -
Mississippi Secedes
Mississippi is the second state to secede from the union. Not even a year after South Carolina secedes Mississippi secedes -
The Confederacy is Formed
The Confederacy forms in the south. It is the Souths new country separating them from the north. It is known as the Confederate States of America. -
1st President of Confederate States of America
Jefferson Davis is a former army officer and had graduated from West Point.He becomes the president of the Confederacy. He is the first and last president of the Confederate States of America. -
Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Abraham Lincoln gives his first inaugural address. The speech was mostly directed towards the South. The speech is meant to go over his desires for the country mostly the south. -
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter in South Carolina is attacked by the Confederate troops. The Confederate was low on supplies and food and decided to attack.This battle is the initial/first battle and known as the starting point of the war. -
Proclamation of Blockade
President Lincoln orders a proclamation blockade on the South ports. This is an issue for the south for the remainder of the war. The south will struggle for the rest of the war to remain well equipped with supplies compared to the North. -
Robert E. Lee Resigns
Robert E.Lee resigns for the United States army. After declining a position from President Lincoln to lead the Union forces. Then after Virginia secedes from the Union he agrees to help lead the Confederate forces. He is offered command of the military and naval forces of Virginia and accepts. -
1st Battle of Bull Run
First Battle of Bull Run takes place 25 miles from Union Capital. The Confederate earn a victory. This is were confederate army general Thomas J.Jackson earns his nickname Stonewall for being able to resist Union attacks. Was the first major land battle of the Civil War. -
McClellan replaces McDowell
President Lincoln replaces former Commander of the Department of the Potomac, Irvin McDowell. George McClellan will take over for him on the presidents orders, after Bull Run loss. -
Battle of Cheat Mountain
Battle of Cheat Mountain was fought in Virginia. Robert E. Lee first time leading his troops into combat instead of being attacked by opposing forces. -
Victory for General Grant
Union general Ulysses S. Grant has a major victory in Tennessee. He is able to lead his army and capture Fort Donelson and Fort Henry. During this time he earns his nickname, Unconditional Surrender Grant. -
Battle of Ironclads
Battle of Ironclads or the Battle of Hampton Roads was a battle fought over two days. It is known as the most important naval battle of the war. The Confederacy wanted to break down the blockade the Union had built, the blockade was keeping them from their most important cities for international trade. The battle ended with a Union victory. -
The Battle of Shiloh
The Battle of Shiloh was a major battle fought in southern Tennessee. The battle began with an surprise attack. The confederates launched an attack on the union in southern Tennessee.Union Forces under General Ulysses Grant defeated Confederate forces after they were forced to retreat. -
New Orleans Port
Union Flag Officer David Farragut leads seventeen Union ships up the Mississippi river. They then take over New Orleans, which is the one of the Souths most important seaports. This will effect the south during most of the war. -
Battle of Seven Pines
The Battle of Seven Pines took place in Virginia, this battle was apart of Union General George McClellan peninsula campaign . Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston leads army into Virginia, and attacks McClellan troops. This lead to an Union victory. -
Robert E. Lee Assumes Command
General Robert E. Lee is issues to take over Confederate troops. He replaces General Johnston after he was wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines. -
Sevens Day Battles
Seven Days Battles were several battles fought over seven days in Richmond, Virginia. The battles ended with a confederate victory over the union. -
2nd Battle of Bull Run
The second Battle of Bull Run was fought in Virginia. This battle ended with an confederate victory. This second battle was much larger than the first battle fought at Bull Run. Confederate army general Robert E. Lee lead the battle against Union general John Pope. -
Battle Of Harpers Ferry
Confederate General Robert E. Lee leads 50,000 confederates into the North. He leads them to Harper Ferry in Maryland. He invades Harper's Ferry, and ends with an Confederate victory. -
Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam or the Battle of Sharpsburg was the first battle to take place on Union territory. It was fought in Maryland. After this battle the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. The result of the battle was a Union victory but overall it was inconclusive who actually won. -
Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, after almost three years of the Civil War being fought. It declared that all slaves in rebellious states. -
Battle of Stone River
Battle of Stone River takes place in Tennessee. It resulted in a Union victory. Union and Confederate forces clashed which caused one of the deadliest battles of the war. -
Siege Of Vicksburg
Union General Grant lead his armies into Vicksburg. Where they trapped the confederate army which was being led by Lieutenant General John Pemberton. Soon after Vicksburg surrendered. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg was fought around Pennsylvania area. This is the bloodiest battle of the whole war, more than 50,000 men suffered casualties.This was an invasion of the North General Robert Lee, but was stopped because it resulted in an Union victory. -
New York Riots
The New York Riots were Draft Riots. They took place during draft week where men would be drafted to fight in the ongoing war. These riots were civil insurrection in Americas history. -
54th of Massachusetts Attack on Fort Wagner
An attack lead by Volunteer Infantry, which was the first U.S. military made up of a majority of black soldiers. Union Artillery opened fire from the South. -
Battle of Chickamauga
This battle fought in North Georgia close to Chattanooga where a battle would soon be fought. This was the largest battle that was fought in Western Theater during the civil war. It is second for the amount of casualties that happened.It resulted with an Confederate victory. -
Battles of Chattanooga
This battle was the beginning and opening battle of the Chickamauga Campaign.Union forces moved Confederate troops in Tennessee -
Grant Appointed to Western Theater
President Lincoln appoints General Grant to continue battle in the western theater. General Ulysses S. Grant is told to continue operations going on in that region. -
Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg Address is a speech given by President Lincoln. It was given at the Dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery by Lincoln. The speech is only two minuets long but he discussed the bloody battle that occurred and made the battle field a national cemetery for Union soldiers. -
General In Chief
After Lincoln appointed General Grant of the Union to command all the armies in the U.S., and William T. Sherman seccedes him as commander. Ulysses S.Grant becomes General in Chief of the Union armies. -
Battle of Fort Pillow
This battle takes places on the Mississippi river in Tennessee, ending with an Confederate victory. This was apart of Confederate General Forrest's raid of West Tennessee. -
Union Armies Campaign
All of the armies apart of the Union create a campaign, to invade Confederate territory. General Grant leads his army towards Richmond for a battle with General Lee's troops. -
Battle of the Wilderness
This battle was the first battle of many General Grant launched against General Lee in his campaign. This battle endend inconclusively. -
Battle of Cold Harbor
The Battle of Cold Harbor was fought in Virginia, this battle was part of a series of battles launched by General Grant. This battle resulted in a Confederate victory. -
George B. McClellan is Nominated
Democrats nominate Union General George B. McClellan for the upcoming presidency election. He will run against current President Abraham Lincoln. -
Atlanta is Captured
Union General Sherman and his army are able to capture Atlanta from the Confederate Army. Capturing Atlanta will help Lincoln win his upcoming re-election. -
Lincoln Re-Elected
Abraham Lincoln is re-elected for another term in the White House, against other top candidate George B. McClellan. Lincoln holds the popular vote in majority of states at the time of the election. -
Sherman's March To The Sea
New commander General Sherman with his troops destroyed warehouses and railroads in Atlanta. Then him and 62,000 other men begin to march to the sea, leaving Atlanta -
Destruction Path
Union General Sherman creates a destruction pass all the way from Atlanta to Savannah, pleasing Lincoln. It is a 300 mile long path 60 miles wide, -
Peace Conference
United States president Lincoln meets with Confederate vice president Alexander Stephens in Virginia. They discuss the end of the war, but it is not a success as the war continues. -
Lincolns 2nd Inaugural Address
President Lincoln who has just won his bid for re election for the presidency gives his second inaugural address in Washington. Lincoln spoke of the end of the ongoing war ending. -
Battle of White Oak Road
Fought in Virginia and had a Union Victory.Also towards the end of Petersburg conflict , General Grant was working to cut confederate supplies. -
Battle of Five Forks
This is battle is fought in Virginia around the same time as the siege of Petersuburg. The Union armies seized five forks which had a major control of the south railroads, which would damage the Confederate supplies. -
Union Advances and Breakthrough
Union General Grant makes an advance when breaking through Confederate army General Lee's lines of defense at Petersburg. General Lee evacuates Petersburg and also confederate capital Richmond is evacuated. -
Lincoln in Confederate White House
United States President Abraham Lincoln tours Richmond where he then goes to the Confederate White House in North Carolina. He visits the White House where Confederate President Jefferson Davis lives. -
Battle of Appomattox Court House
This was the last battle for Confederate General Robert E. Lee, this is also one of the final battles of the war. General Lee surrenders his army to Union General Grant -
President Lincoln Assassinated
The United States of America President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Lincoln is at a theater in Washington when John Wilkes Booth shoots him in the head. -
Confederate General Surrenders
Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston surrenders. He surrenders to Union General Sherman in North Carolina -
13th Amendment Ratified
The 13th amendment of the U.S. constitution is added.The amendment states that slavery will be abolished -
Fisk University
Fisk University one of the first historically black university is established. This is the first black university to be established by other colleges. -
Freedman Bureau
A new bill his passed by congress, the law is to protect and help freed slaves and economically struggling citizens in the south. -
State of Peace
The U.S. declares a state of peace throughout the states. It is said there is peace through several states. -
Fords Theatre
Fords Theater where former 16th President Abraham Lincoln was shot, is bought by Congress. It will be made into a museum. -
Civil Rights Act of 1866
The civil rights act was passed by congress in 1866. The act granted citizenship and the same rights for all men. -
Chlorea Epidemic
In New York an epidemic begins where the disease chlorea disease spreads. It is an infection of the small intestines, and it spread all through out the city. -
Readmitted to Union
The first state is readmitted back into the Union. Tennessee becomes the first. -
The General of the Armies
The General of the Armies is established by congress. It is one of the highest ranks, General Grant becomes a 4 star general and General Sherman becomes Lieutenant General. -
New Orleans Riot
Violent conflict, where whites attacked blacks. They attacked them standing outside the Mechanics Institute in New Orleans. -
Peace in Texas
The 17th president of the United States of America Andrew Johnson declares a peace proclamation between Texas. -
African American Males Vote
In the United States, in the District of Columbia African American men are granted their vote to right in elections. -
Nebraska officially becomes apart of the U.S. -
Tenure of Office Act
An law is passed by Congress which does not allow the president to remove officials appointed by Congress. -
Virginia Rejects Votes
In Alexandria Virginia they reject thousands of votes casted by Blacks. -
Phillip Sheridan
General Sheridan takes commands the 5th military district. -
Lincoln Memorial
Congress accepts proposal for the Lincoln monument in Washington. -
Alaska Purchase
The United States purchased Alaska from Russian Empire. -
States Admitted
More states become admitted to the Union. A bill has been passed by Congress allowing more states who have ratified the 13th amendment to become apart of the Union -
Secretary of War
Former Union General Ulysses S. Grant of the Civil War becomes a Secretary of War. -
The Congress begins looking into impeaching current President Johnston for his lack of effectiveness.