Civil War by Jennie Madden

  • Confederate States of America

    Confederate States of America
    South Carolina and other states uncluding North Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Texas and a few others left the USA and became there own Confederate States of America after Lincoln became president
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    South Carolina and other states uncluding North Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Texas and a few others left the USA and became there own Confederate States of America after Lincoln became president
  • Lincoln becomes President

    Lincoln becomes President
    Lincoln becomes president
  • The Attack On Fort Sumter

    The Attack On Fort Sumter
    Lincoln was sending supplies to Fort Sumter but South Carolina thought it was something else so they attacked For tSumter and the commander Robert Anderson surrendered after the supplies he already had ran out
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    General in Cheif Windfeild Scott took his unexperienced troop into confederate land to fight them but because of there introduction of troops the confederates won.
  • President Lincoln issues War

    President Lincoln issues War
    Lincoln said it is was okay for the union to fight the confederates
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Confederate soldiers attacked the union soldiers. The Union soldiers almost lost but back up came in the middle of the night and the confederates surrendered and left. The Unuon wouldnt follow them because they were to exhausted themselves
  • The battle of Seven Pines

    The battle of Seven Pines
    The confederate army attacked the Union at Seven Pines.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    General Hooker and his army tried to attack General Robert E. Lee's army but General Lee split his army up in 3 sections and attacked the Union and won.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania

    Battle of Spotsylvania
    General Grant kept on fighting General Lee
  • Lincolns Re-election

    Lincolns Re-election
    Republicans nominated him as being president again